GRADE 7/8 UPDATE S u bm i t t e d b y Ms . B
SPECIAL EDUCAT ION UPDATE S u bm i t t e d b y Mr s . W Hello Parents, Guardians, and Community Members! Our Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for some students will be in the mail soon! Please keep an eye out and remember to send one copy back with your signature. If you would like a meeting, please call, or email me at the school. Our JK Registration and Grade 8 Transition Meetings are also coming up, so I’ve been busy prepping for these as well. Throughout the next couple of months, I will be focussed on testing specific students to help the teachers and parents meet the student’s specific learning styles, and this will help our students learn to the best of their ability. And as always, I will continue to work with our Speech- Language Pathologist and Occupational Therapist to master some of the skills and goals they have created for our students. Just a reminder that Parent-Teacher communication has moved away from Facebook and towards the Remind app, so please make sure you have joined my “class” to get updates regarding IEPs and future testing. Thank you for being a part of our students’ education! Miigwetch!
The grade 7 and 8’s have been very busy the past two months. In literacy, they have been examining and learning about local stories and aadsookaanan, leading up to them writing their own Nishinaabe legends. In STEM, students have been learning about the significance of water, and designed their own water purification and filtration systems. The grade 7 and 8’s are very excited about their upcoming Disney trip in June! They have begun watching ride videos, and have been compiling a list of all the best places to potentially eat! They would like to thank community members for all of the continued support in their fundraising efforts.
Mrs. W. Special Education Resource Teacher
CEMETERY RECONSTRUCT ION S u bm i t t e d b y Ca s s a n d r a C r e s s , C o n s u l t a t i o n & Go v e r n a n c e O f f i c e r As the weather gets warmer, I will be looking into organizing a few cemetery clean up days and starting discussions on a long-term plan to better take care of our community cemetery. I have started reaching out to Elders and discussing the project with PRDC's Cultural Coordinator, to ensure we are starting this project off on the right foot. Additionally, we want to involve our community elders as much as possible and we ask for their guidance and knowledge as we go through this process. All of community concerns are important and we hope families will be actively involved in the upcoming events. The next steps for Sustainable Development will be to organize a feast and an initial clean up day. Please contact me if you’re interested in getting involved. (Email: or Phone: 807 229 8900 EXT 222)
Miigwech Cassandra Cress
Sustainable Development
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