SUMMER YOUTH LEADERSHIP GATHERING IN PLANNING S u bm i t t e d b y Ca s s a n d r a C r e s s , C o n s u l t a t i o n & Go v e r n a n c e O f f i c e r Boozhoo! I am excited to share that with the guidance of Youth Council, the community will be holding a Youth Leadership Gathering this July. We will be inviting youth, age 14 -25, from the surrounding First Nation communities; Michipicoton, Rocky Bay First Nation, Sand Point, Lake Nipigon, Gully Bay, Long Lake 58, Long Lake 77, Pays Plat, Lake Helen First Nation, and Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg. We will be planning three days full of special presentations, hand-on activities, and land-based learning for our youth. We have also planned some sessions for our Elders to join us and share their knowledge. To bring back our old traditions, we will be holding this gathering the days leading up to our community Powwow, July 5, 6 & 7. Please keep an eye out for upcoming advertisements with more information and a full schedule. All departments in the community, local businesses, and organizations are welcome to help out and even sponsor an activity and/or a meal. Please contact myself if you are interested or have any questions.
Walk to End Violence (Moose Hide Campaign) Thursday, May 12
Rock the River (Concert in the Ball Field) Friday, June 17
Youth Leadership Gathering July 5, 6 & 7
Biigtigong Powwow July 8, 9 & 10
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T h e B i i g t i g o n g C u r r e n t
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