Councils Corner
PORTFOLIO UPDATE S u bm i t t e d b y C o u n c i l o r , S h a r o n O s t b e r g
Here are some of the activities I have been participating in. Over the last few months things are have been getting very busy within my portfolio assignment.
AETS Continue as president of this board, attend monthly meetings with the other nine First Nations. I sat on a few hiring committees Assist various individuals in funding requests from employment start-up to wage subsidy and funding for Student employment within the community. We have put in a proposal for a small training facility for each first nation, this and the portable connectivity hub will assist in on line training or when the community wants to do training for smaller groups and not tie up the hall. This year is also the 25th Anniversary, we are working on some type of celebration in Thunder Bay with invitation to past staff, Chiefs. I will keep you posted on what this celebration brings out. We also are supporting a number of our members working on internships with organizations. BLP (East West Tie Bamkushwada) As the treasurer of this Board and Proxy for the Chief. Although the project is operational as of March 31,2022 this Board will have a need to continue as per my recent council update regarding financing. Presently this project will net the community 120.K/per year with no financing costs taken. We will continue to work on purchasing up to 20% ownership. Over the past three months this file has kept me in meetings 2 to 3 times per week with the financing people. This project has not had any costs to the community with it’s subordinate company Supercom it has net revenue to our community of over $2.6 million to date, with potential for more from Supercom 2.0 should we decide to continue. GMS As Secretary of this board, we have monthly meetings I along with Debi represent Biigtigong interest on this board, the other partners are White Lake Resources and Morris Group. The majority of staff at GMS are form our community with full time work. This project has been very successful for the First Nation and thus far has not had any costs to the FN it is a very good revenue generator and has net revenue to the First Nation of $132.0K with another $135.k to be paid in at the end of this month. MKWA Construction As I had said in my last report this company has finally turned around we have managed to secure sole source contracts with the MTO, and MNRF as set asides. MTO snow removal of 627 and 614 with a snow plow purchased through this contract. Pic River Bridge Rehab we have a J.V. with LHNorth and will start this project this summer training for some of our staff has already started. Just completed a brushing contract for those two Hwy’s. We have a JV with QMEnvironmental on a the local Dump rehabilitation this is also to start this summer, if our proposal does not get stuck in the Q due a provincial election, this project will net the 1.3 million to our community if we can supply the soil from our own lands. We also have contracts for all bridges and culverts in the Dead horse road, which will net some work for the company. We now have 72B Peninsula Garage so we now have a place to work on our equipment and storage for such this has been a big cost savings.
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