April 2022 - Biigtigong Current

INTRODUCT ION TO VIRTUAL CARE S u bm i t t e d b y Me l o d i e To u c h e t t e , Home & C ommu n i t y Ca r e C o o r d i n a t o r

What is virtual care? Virtual care is providing care through technology. Virtual visits are not new to the world, in fact – its been around for a few years. With the everchanging world, virtual visits are the safest way to visit. Some may be hesitant to try the virtual care because they want to continue the face to face home visits but by going virtual, it will enhance the care that you are already receiving. How does this work? Biigtigong Mno-zhi-yaawgamig will provide you with a tablet to use for visits and would consists of you signing out the tablet. The tablet would only give you access to the Ontario Telehealth Network (OTN). Apps, internet use, googling, etc.. will not be accessible through the tablet provided. It would work the same as a “in person” home visit except that we would “call” your tablet and we would be able to see each other through the screen; just like Facetime but with OTN being a secure network. Virtual visits may not be for everyone and we understand this. Those who require/ need “face to face” visits, will continue as is. Those who receive tablets will be provided virtual visits but that is not to say that we will not go into the home because we understand that not all visits can be done virtually, such as wound care. Some examples of visits that can be done virtually is Case Management, some assessments, health teachings, and Blood pressure checks (if you have your own blood pressure cuff). In order to use the tablet for virtual home visits, you would need to have an email account. If you do not have an email account and are interested in having virtual visits, please let Vanessa or myself know and we can have Jason Burton assist with setting one up for you. If you are interested in virtual home visits or would like to “give it a try”, please contact Vanessa or myself. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 229-1836 ext. 605 or Vanessa Nabigon at ext.610

- Melodie Touchette, RN

MEDICAL SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT GUIDE AND BENEFI T LISTS S u bm i t t e d b y L i s a L awr e n c e , A s s i s t e d L i v i n g / N IHB / c EMR / C omm . C o o r d . The following Medical Supplies and Equipment lists contain the items and services provided as eligible benefits by the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program, along with information on coverage policies, benefit codes, requirements for prior approval, and applicable recommended replacement guidelines. 4.2 Custom-made foot orthotics A custom-made pair of orthotics, prior approval is not required. Recommended replacement guideline is 1 pair every two years. Custom-made shoes. Prior approval is required by Non-Insured Health Benefits. (A doctor will prescribe and state reason for the shoes). Recommended replacement guideline is 1 pair every year. Overshoes winter. Prior approval is required. Prescription not required, however NIHB must have funded a custom-made shoe for which the overshoe is meant. Prior approval is required for: repair for custom-made shoes; repair for modifications for stock footwear; delivery of footwear.

Detailed information may be found on the website: www.sac-isc.gc.ca


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T h e B i i g t i g o n g C u r r e n t

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