April 2022 - Biigtigong Current

Child & Family Learning Center


S u bm i t t e d b y E s t h e r a n d De b b i e

Afternoon parents!

We have been Busy preparing bundles and thinking of the future upcoming events it is nice to see the children back in the building at the program it is nice to see the parents in the mornings when they drop them off we like to welcome the new babies into the community it was a fun experience to help with the ice fishing with the children it was fun riding on the Skidoos and the buggies we enjoyed the preparing lunch for everyone who participated it was nice to see other community members involved different schools we look forward to the upcoming fish camp this month


S u bm i t t e d b y S t e p h a n i e Mi c h a n o -Dr o v e r

Good day Community Members!

Esther and Debbie

Looks like spring is trying hard to make its way! We have been keeping busy with our families and children in the program! Following the guidelines as required. With guidelines starting to lift we are hoping to be able to provide more programs to our families. We continue to provide our families support by offering bundles and events online. Watch for our Posters on our upcoming activities/events: - Spring Feast - Gift-card Zoom Bingo - Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Activities - Aboriginal Day Celebrations – Fish Derby I will be working on completing our Year End Reporting Requirements in the next couple weeks. We currently have a waiting list for our program; there are approximately 5-7 children on our list to come to the program. Please contact the program for more information.

Miigwech, Stephanie


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T h e B i i g t i g o n g C u r r e n t

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