RECIPE FROM THEN COOK'S KI TCHEN Ch i l d a n d F am i l y L e a r n i n g C e n t e r
PRINCIPALS UPDATE S u bm i t t e d b y Rh o n d a L y o n s
Boozhoo everyone! It’s been four months since the last newsletter, and we are busy with school programming. With the lifting of many Covid restrictions, we are continuing to follow safety protocols with wearing masks in the classrooms. While outside, students aren’t required to wear them. I am happy to see many of our students playing their favourite activities outside and reconnecting with friends. I would also like to thank everyone for their ongoing patience and flexibility as we navigate through the staff shortages due to Covid-related absences. We continue to participate in student assemblies at the Turtle Lodge and we look forward to community members attending and helping to celebrate the students’ successes. Students enjoy singing and offering their prayers. I am proud of our students as they continue to learn more of our Indigenous ways.Lifting up our language is very important in our work at the school. I am so amazed at the level of support our staff do to speak our language. My vision is to help our students connect to our language by being out on the land. School theme days continue to happen to honour the residential school survivors and for those who couldn’t wear their attire proudly to school. As a school community, we are looking forward to future learning opportunities. In May, we will be learning how to tan deer hide with the support of a respected Elder from Treaty 3. Please feel free to stop by the school and participate. It is a labour-intensive activity and I’m sure the students would appreciate the extra help. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about programming. Miigwech, Rhonda Lyons Principal
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