April 2022 - Biigtigong Current

KINDERGARTEN UPDATE S u bm i t t e d b y Mr s . S

Our class started the new year online in January, and a lot has happened in a short period of time since returning to school from online learning on February 28th. We celebrated the 100th day of school, where we participated in many activities revolving around 100. We even had some special visitors return to see us again this year. Grandpa Skworch, Nanny Bell, and Grandma Bee shared many tales. Our class got to go ice fishing at Hattie Cove, and Bryan even caught the first fish in our class! We also got to go swimming again in Marathon with Miss Bee during Phys. Ed. More recently, we celebrated Easter and had fun finding 100 mini chocolate eggs hidden in our classroom. The highlight so far has been participating in the activities during fish camp at the Mouth of the Pic River. We were amazed to see all the big fish and had so much fun making boats, playing games and, of course, playing with the sand toys. We continue to learn about the letters and sounds of the alphabet, bigger numbers, writing during weekend sharing, and listening to all the books that Mrs. S loves to read. We look forward to the adventures that spring has in store for us.

-Mrs. S, Candace, and the JK/SK class


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T h e B i i g t i g o n g C u r r e n t

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