Council & Associates February 2019

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ASlow-Burning Romance


I n the movies, it only takes one glance for two people to fall hopelessly in love. You know the scenes I’m talking about. Amid a large group of people, two will connect without so much as exchanging a word. There’s probably some Sade or Keith Sweat playing on the soundtrack as the soon-to-be lovers cross paths. Before you know it, a romance has begun. That is decidedly not the experience my husband Phillip and I had. In fact, when I met Phillip, it didn’t even occur to me that we could be a match. Our first introduction came as college students, when I was at Spelman and he was at Georgia Tech. Don’t get me wrong; I thought Phillip was a nice, intelligent guy. The problem was I just didn’t see him as my “type.” We were destined to be friendly acquaintances, but I didn’t see a future beyond that. Well, I was dead wrong. After going our separate ways for a number of years, we reconnected when I moved back to Atlanta. I went to law school at Howard University in D.C., so I was away from Atlanta for quite a while. A few months after my return I found myself newly single, so I was curious to see THIS GUY DOWN GENTLY?” BY THE END, I WAS THE ONE TRYING TO PLAY IT COOL. THE REST, AS THEY SAY, IS HISTORY.


who was still around from my undergrad days. I was on the phone with a mutual friend when he suggested I get in touch with Phillip. “No way,” I said. “Phillip’s a great guy, but I don’t see anything happening there.” Luckily, my friend didn’t listen to me and passed along my number to Phillip. When he called I was a bit irritated. How could somebody give out my number against my wishes? But it didn’t take long to realize our friend had better intuition than I did. During those intervening years, either I had changed or he did, because our phone conversation was nothing short of a blast. At the beginning of the call, I was thinking, “Crap. How will I let this guy down gently?” By the end, I was the one trying to play it cool. The rest, as they say, is history. In May, Phillip and I will have been married for 13 years, every one of which has been a joy. Looking back, it’s hard to believe I thought he wouldn’t be my type, because we are such a great team. Phillip is a generous, giving person and a wonderful father and husband. It’s impossible to imagine my life without him.

invested in my business, just as he is with his. It would be very hard for me to be with someone who didn’t understand the responsibilities of running a business, so I’m grateful that Phillip appreciates what it entails. He never gets angry when I call and say I’m staying late at the office to work on a particularly difficult case. Of course, our busy schedules mean we have to make a concerted effort to devote time to each other. We have a one-on-one date night every week, as well as a day or night spent together with the kids. Because we’re both adventurous risk-takers, we love trying new restaurants, traveling to places we’ve never been, and seeking out novel experiences. I guess you could say that we are compatible in terms of both business and leisure. I’m not sure what would’ve happened had I started dating Phillip as an undergrad. All I know is that I couldn’t be happier how things played out — even if it wasn’t your typical Hollywood romance.

–Lashonda Council- Rogers, Esq.

One of the ways we’re extremely compatible is that we are both entrepreneurs. I’m intensely



When you learned how to drive, you were probably cautioned about the dangers of following the car in front of you too closely. Leaving space is essential to avoid rear-ending somebody when they come to an abrupt stop. One of your parents or a driving instructor probably added that if you rear- end somebody, it’s always your fault. Slam into somebody’s back bumper, and you’ll be paying for their repairs. While that’s true more often than not, there are exceptions to this seemingly firm rule. The driver in front in a rear-end accident can be found liable if their negligence caused the accident. Negligent driving can take many forms, but the most common in rear-end cases are as follows: • Failing to use turn signals, or using turn signals that do not work • Slamming on the brakes without warning or reason • Driving without functioning brake lights • Driving erratically or recklessly, including sudden stops or driving in reverse

When you’re trying to feed your child, keep them healthy, and prevent them from becoming one of those weird adults with the stunted palate of a 2-year-old, it may feel like you’re faced with an uphill climb. Research shows that fussy eating may be as linked to genetics as it is to upbringing, not to mention the tangle of other psychosocial factors that can fuel a child’s inscrutable food preferences. 3 TIPS TO PREVENT RAISING A PICKY EATER 1. KEEP YOUR EXPECTATIONS IN CHECK. When a child first encounters a new food, they’re going to give it the side-eye. That’s natural. In fact, according to a 2003 study, it may take as many as 12 “exposures” to a new food for it to become familiar, much less something they want to eat. If you put too much pressure on them to eat every last bit of the new food, that particular food won’t fare well in their memories and you’ll have to fight those negative associations from then on. Instead, talk about the new food as you’re preparing it, involve your child in the preparation, and have them check it out on their own terms. Normalizing those Brussels sprouts is half the battle. 2. AVOID TURNING VEGETABLES INTO CHORES. You might think that offering your child a reward in return for finishing their green beans is a good way to make sure your child gets their nutrients, but it causes more problems than it’s worth. It just reinforces your child’s perception that the green beans are the “bad” food they have to choke down before getting to the good stuff. 3. MAKE A VARIETY OF DISHES. The more monotonous your nightly menu is, the fewer new foods your child will be exposed to, and the harder it will become to introduce healthy newcomers to the table. If your kids like green beans, great, but don’t start serving green beans with every meal just because you know those are the only veggies they’ll eat. Keep it varied and fun, and your kid’s palate will follow. You shouldn’t force your kid to eat food they don’t want to eat, but you shouldn’t cater too closely to their fussy habits either. Present them with a wide variety of the healthy options you want them to eat, and let them discover the joys of taste and texture as they grow. That said, there are ways to help your child foster a healthy relationship with food and encourage them to be adventurous eaters.

Even in cases where negligent driving can be proven, the rear-ended driver may not be without fault. In Georgia, any percentage of fault placed on a driver who was rear-ended will affect

how much they can recover. If you’re the rear driver and the court finds you only 30 percent at fault for an accident, the other driver

will only be able to recover 70 percent of their damages from your insurance company. This will save you money on your insurance premiums. If you have been involved in an accident in which you were rear-ended by someone else, you should think about hiring an attorney to fight for the compensation you deserve. You need an experienced

attorney by your side in court or during negotiations to fight

for your rights. Call 404-526-8857 to speak with the attorneys at Council & Associates, LLC.




Why Do We Need a Leap Year?


A LEAP DAY BIRTHDAY The odds of being born on Feb. 29 are about 1 in 1,500, which leaves approximately 187,000 people in the U.S. and 4 million people around the world celebrating their birthdays on Feb. 28 or March 1. People born on a Leap Day are faced with dilemmas such as which date they should receive their driver’s license. Although it varies from state to state, most consider March 1 the appropriate day for leap-year 16-year-olds — who are celebrating their fourth “official” birthday — to receive their license. With all the changes the calendar has undergone, it still isn’t quite perfect. Experts say that in about 10,000 years, it will need to be changed yet again.

Every four years, February gains an extra day at the end of the month. But what does this contribute to the year as a whole? You might be surprised by what this one day does for us!

The 365 days in each year represent the time it takes for the Earth to circle the sun. However, the orbit actually takes nearly a quarter of a day longer than that. The additional 0.2421 of a day might not seem like it would make a significant impact, but after a few decades, it adds up. To ensure the calendar and seasons stay on the right timeline, the leap day was created. THE START OF THE LEAP YEAR The Egyptians were the first to officially calculate how many days it takes to orbit the sun, revealing the need for a leap year. Europeans at the time used a calendar that followed a lunar model, which needed an entire month added to retain

consistency. The leap year wasn’t introduced into Europe until the reign of Julius Caesar. With the help of astronomer Sosigenes, Caesar created the Julian Calendar, which included 12 months and 365 days, with a single day added every fourth year. However, the Julian Calendar wasn’t perfect, because 0.2421 of a day can’t be rounded to a multiple of five, so it caused the calendar to have an extra 11 minutes every four years. Pope Gregory XIII fixed the problem in 1582 by creating the Gregorian Calendar. Now, a leap year occurs every four years except for the years that are evenly divisible by 100 and not 400. For instance, 1800 and 1900 were not leap years because they were divisible by 100.

NEED HELP WITH TAXES? TURN TO WIGGAM & GEER, LLC Ben Franklin said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” For many people, these two constants are equally scary. If the arrival of tax season sends a shiver down your spine, Wiggam & Geer, LLC can help. Wiggam & Geer, LLC is a boutique law firm in Atlanta that focuses on bankruptcy and tax law. They help individuals and businesses who have tax issues, and they provide strategies to prevent those issues from arising in the first place. Dealing with the IRS or state collections agencies on your own is a daunting task. Wiggam & Geer can stand in your corner and advocate on your behalf. Everyone at the firm is responsive, knowledgeable, and friendly, but we’d like to pay special attention to Jason Wiggam, whom we’ve worked with on client matters in the past. Jason’s commitment to his job is incredible. He’s always willing to share his expertise and educate clients on the best strategies for them. Whether on an individual or business level, he just plain knows his stuff. When you find people who genuinely enjoy navigating the tax process, you don’t delete their number from your phone. Wiggam & Geer, LLC is a firm full of these people. You may think they’re a little crazy, but there’s no denying the valuable service they provide. We’re lucky to have them in our city. Local Business Spotlight

If you need tax help, call Wiggam & Geer today at 404-233-9800.








Unless you had the foresight to get a Valentine’s Day gift during your recent holiday shopping, you may be scrambling to come up with a way to celebrate

this year. Don’t fret, though, because Atlanta has no shortage of unique, romantic ways to commemorate the holiday with your special someone. Here are a few of our favorites.

HEART PAPERWEIGHT CLASS AT DECATUR GLASSBLOWING Where: 250 Freeman Street, Decatur When: Dates and Times Throughout February If you want a one-of-a-kind experience that ends with a handmade gift for your special someone, Decatur Glassblowing has you covered. Every February, the studio holds Valentine’s-themed classes. You’ll learn the fine art of glassblowing while creating your very own heart-shaped paperweight. The finished product is cool, but the memories you’ll share will be even better.

VALENTINE’S IN THE GARDEN Where: Atlanta Botanical Garden When: Feb. 14, 7–10 p.m.

CASUAL DOWNTOWN DINING Where: Peachtree Center and Beyond When: Whenever Works for You

The Atlanta Botanical Garden is worth visiting anytime, but they go all out for Valentine’s Day. With live music, cocktails, snacks from top chefs, and loads of chocolate, there are plenty of ways to have fun as you stroll through the exhibits and conservatories. Because of where Valentine’s falls on the calendar, it’s also a unique chance to experience the “Orchid Daze” under the light of the moon. For tickets and more information, head to

There’s nothing wrong with booking a reservation for some fine dining with your significant other, but it does mean dealing with long waits and paying a higher-than-average markup. If you want to skip the hassle, a great alternative is to bounce around downtown. You can hop between casual eateries and bars, making the night a culinary adventure. The Latin flavors of Alma Cocina, burgers at Just Around the Corner, the speakeasy delights of Red Phone Booth, and more make Peachtree Center a great place to explore.




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