Wellbeing Matters 2015

Wellbeing at the College

Emotional health

Pupils develop physical and emotional wellbeing at the College and our programme has been designed also to promote self-knowledge and build emotional intelligence. It comprises six strands: emotional health , spiritual health , physical health , living in community , healthy living and preparation for the future . Throughout their time at the senior school, boys have approximately 100 hours of timetabled time specifically focused on supporting and improving their wellbeing. Boys from Year 7 to 11 have one period of curriculum time per week set aside for this subject, led by a team of around 30 Wellbeing teachers, while boys in the Upper School have a Wellbeing carousel that operates during Form Tutor time. Form Tutors further down the school also play a major supporting role. Our programme covers an extensive range of topics including; friendships, bullying, mindfulness, resilience, financial literacy, campaigning, sexting, pornography, mental health, domestic survival, sexual health and careers. We are working increasingly with parents in our quest to encourage a greater sense of wellbeing – from regular parent forums to the DC Wellbeing twitter feed (@WellbeingatDC), which parents are invited to follow. ‘An integral part of a Dulwich Education is a pupil’s wellbeing; successful academic work and pastoral care are connected and complementary. Our focus on Wellbeing aims to help pupils be emotionally, physically and spiritually healthy with the ability to make sound life choices, to engage positively with the community and be well prepared for life beyond Dulwich.’ Dr JAF Spence, The Master In addition to the formal Wellbeing Programme, we have structures and people in place to provide support. Our Form Tutors and Year Heads are often the first point of call for boys and parents and, in addition we have an on-site counsellor, the medical centre, the Chaplaincy team, a weekly drop-in service for boys, a peer-led mentoring service, a Community Service Programme and activities supporting charitable fund raising. Boys are supported and guided as they make decisions about the future by our Beyond Dulwich team.

Spiritual health

Physical health

Living in community

Healthy living

Preparation for the future


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