At no point during the year should any of these sites have standing water. Species like California lilac ( Ceanothus spp .), flannel bush ( Fremontodendron californicum ), manzanita ( Arctostaphylos manzanita ), and silver lupine ( Lupinus albifrons ) are notoriously susceptible to overwatering. Drought-tolerant species will not do well if overwatering occurs during the summer; it will likely kill them. Different soil conditions can affect the necessary duration of each irrigation. The normal range is for five to fifteen
hours during each irrigation event depending on the flow rate of drip emitters. Land managers throughout the Valley have achieved success with emitters ranging from half a gallon to two gallons per hour. If runoff is a concern in soils with high clay content, it is advisable to switch to shorter irrigation times. Run the water until the area is saturated but does not run off. Sandy soils may never appear completely saturated so beware of over-irrigating in these situations.
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