January-February 2025

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Need funding to establish hedgerow? Visit

pollinator.org/ag-grants. We have programs to help! Have additional questions about establishing your hedgerow? Contact bff@pollinator.org – we have answers! Next Steps Once you have established your pollinator habitat features within your orchard, it is time to apply to join the Bee Friendly Farming (BFF) program. BFF is a certification program from Pollinator Partnership working with growers to help protect, preserve, and promote pollinator health. BFF provides guidelines for growers to promote pollinator health on their lands by helping growers incorporate affordable, simple, science-based guidelines, like offering nutrition and habitats for bees, and integrated pest management








The New Schmeiser V-Blade Roller combines all the advantages of a durable V-Blade with a Rear Roller to provide groove-free smoothing and reduced loose dirt at the row ends. Contact us for complete details.


Because every nut counts!


5. Utilize Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in effort to reduce or eliminate the use of chemicals. Do you meet the BFF certification criteria ? Now is the perfect time to apply to BFF. To learn more, visit: pollinator.org/bff/bff-us or contact bff@pollinator.org. Create an account and apply by visiting pollinator.org/bff-cert/apply. If you already have an account, select “Continue an Existing Application” and log in. We would love to celebrate your pollinator habitat and welcome you to the BFF community!

strategies. By becoming a Bee Friendly Farming member, you can help preserve and protect the pollinator populations by implementing positive, incremental changes on your property. Program members are an essential part of keeping our pollinators healthy and our food supply abundant. The criteria for obtaining BFF certification are as follows: 1. Offer nutritious forage for bees on at least 3% of cropped acreage. Forage can be temporary and can include cover crops if they are left to bloom. 2. Provide bloom of different flowering plants throughout the growing season from early spring to late autumn. There is no minimum land coverage for seasonal bloom. 3. Provide permanent habitat for nesting through features such as hedgerows, natural brush, buffer strips, or bare ground. Attempt to have at least 1% perennial habitat.

Cody Wilson Agricultural Specialist Pollinator Partnership

4. Offer clean water for bees if not inhibited by government-mandated water restrictions.



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