January-February 2025

Figure 1: UC Davis IPM

removed by outside forces, so they do not need to remove their own. Pollination may be the single most critical step in the year for a successful almond crop. That success is highly dependent on the bees that are in your orchard. There are a few factors that can affect the success of your almond pollination. First, is the number of frames. A single eight-frame hive will collect 2.5 times more pollen

than a four-frame hive. The contract with your beekeeper should state the strength of the hives, so you know what you should be receiving. Second, is hive placement. You want to avoid placing hives in areas of high traffic, shade, or placed in a single area. Place hives no more than a quarter mile apart, where the morning sun can warm the hive quickly. Third, is water. Bees will look for water and if they cannot find it, they will leave your orchard to search for it. Bee buckets, as shown in Figure 2, are perfect to place next to hives to keep the bees hydrated. Lastly, are spray applications. Growers all know to not use insecticides during bloom, but a fungicide application will likely be needed. The key things to remember are to apply late in the day and evening while bees are back in the hives, remove or cover any water sources, and of course, do not

spray the hives directly. If you want more tips for bees, please check the California Almond Board website for best management practices. Proper planning will almost always set you up for success. The best way to prevent disease is to be prepared for it, and using the tools mentioned can help you do just that. The same goes for pollination. Proper planning will put your orchard, and investment in bees, in the best position for success. With all the talking points about how to have a successful plan, let’s hope for a successful start to the 2025 season.

Trent Voss, Lead Regional Manager, Blue Diamond Member Relations

Figure 2 Bee Bucket. Photo credit: Ben Goudie



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