12828 Harford Road

“ For my par t I love sleepy fel lows , and the more ignorant the bet ter. Damn your wide - awake and knowing chaps . As for sleepiness , i t is one of the noblest qual i t ies of humani ty. There is something sociable about i t , too. Think of those sensible & sociable mi l l ions of good fel lows al l taking a good long fr iendly snooze together, under the sod- -no quarrels , no imaginary gr ievances , no envies , hear t- burnings , & thinking how much bet ter that other chap is of f- -none of this: but al l equal ly free -&- easy, they sleep away & reel of f thei r nine knots an hour, in per fec t ami ty.

- He rman Me l v i l l e

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