


Luxus Timber Frames et Alan Papineau Installations of Techno Metal Post, pour effectuer les travaux de construction de la nouvelle scène extérieure au parc Riverain de Lefaivre. Le coût des travaux sera couvert par une subvention d’aide à l’infrastructure culturelle municipale de 145 700 $, de la Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario. L’ajout d’une scène de spectacle exté- rieure au parc communautaire de Lefaivre est un objectif permanent du comité consul- tatif de la marina de Lefaivre, du comité de développement du parc riverain et du Club Lions de Lefaivre. Ce projet répond également à l’une des recommandations du rapport d’octobre 2020 sur le plan direc- teur des parcs et des loisirs, qui préconise d’améliorer le secteur riverain de Lefaivre pour en faire davantage une destination de tourisme maritime.

L’année prochaine, il pourrait y avoir une scène extérieure à Lefaivre pour les festivals locaux. Le conseil municipal du canton d’Alfred- Plantagenet a approuvé une recommanda- tion de la directrice des parcs et loisirs, Manon Besner, d’embaucher Charles Dicaire PURPOSE OF AP ENVIRO COMMITTEE DISCUSSED

Alfred-Plantagenet Township council has approved a contract for construction of an outdoor performance stage at Riverside Park in Lefaivre. —file photo


Alfred-Plantagenet Township council has a committee to provide advice on envi- ronmental issues but what the specifc goals are for the committee may not be clear enough for the people who sit on it. “For us to move ahead as a committee, we need direction from council,” said Councillor *BO8BMLFS XIPSFQSFTFOUTUPXOTIJQDPVODJM on its environment advisory committee. $PVODJMMPS8BMLFSNBEFUIFDPNNFOU during the September 5 session of council. 5IFDPVODJMBHFOEBQBDLBHFJODMVEFEBTVN - mary of the minutes of the most recent meeting over summer of the environment DPNNJUUFF8BMLFSFYQSFTTFEDPODFSOUIBU the committee members spent most of their UJNFUBMLJOHBCPVUNBUUFSTSFMBUFEUPUIF environment and did not have any definite guidelines from council about issues they could investigate. “It’s a subject that we’ll have to discuss at another time,” said Mayor Yves Laviolette, who noted that some municipal councils do not have advisory committees on the environment. $PVODJMMPS 8BMLFS BHSFFE UIBU OPU BMM municipalities have advisory committees for the environment but said that his con- cern is what Alfred-Plantagenet council and administration want the township’s advisory committee to do. Chief Administrator Michel Potvin noted that when the advisory committee was cre- ated “the intent was to let the committee elaborate their own terms of reference” for council to consider and approve. He observed that past councils have had problems with some other commit- tees whose members believed that they had greater authority over some municipal operations than was intended and tried to UBLFBNPSFDPNNBOEJOHSPMFJOQBTUCVEHFU planning. Potvin told council that administration has BMXBZTUSJFEUPNBLFUIFQFPQMFXIPTJUPO all the advisory committees understand that their comments, reports, and recommenda- tions are valued. #VU IFFNQIBTJ[FE UIFLJOEPGBVUIPSJUZ that some previous committees wanted to assume was never the intent behind the creation of any of the advisory committees that assist the municipality. Mayor Laviolette affirmed that council would review the issue of what the goals and guidelines are for the environment advisory committee during a future session.



Un gros merci à Rehan’s Indépendant et ainsi qu’à tous ses employés qui nous ont remis un chèque de 4 622 $. Ce montant est le résultat de la récente collecte de fonds réalisée par Rehan’s et ses employés, qui ont tous participé au cours des derniers mois pour recueillir ces dons. Il s’agit de la deuxième collecte de fonds effectuée par votre magasin Indépendant. Encore un gros merci, de la part du Centre d’Aide Rockland. Dans la photo: Le directeur adjoint François Mainville, la vice-présidente de RHC Nicole Gaul, le propriétaire et directeur Rehan Iqbal, la directrice adjointe Chelsea Gilchrist et le président de RHC André Perras. A big thank you to Rehan’s Independent and all his employees who presented us with a cheque for $4,622. This sum is the result of the recent fundraiser conducted by Rehan’s and its employees. They have participated over the past few months to collect these donations. This is the second fundraiser conducted by your Independent store. Thank you again from the Rockland Help Center. In the photo: Assistant manager François Mainville, RHC vice-president Nicole Gaul, owner and manager Rehan Iqbal, assistant manager Chelsea Gilchrist and RHC president André Perras.

2815, rue Chamberland, Rockland ON K4K 1K6 • 613-446-7594

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