February 2025 Volume 5 Edition 7

Placer Union High School District has been a member of the Mid-Placer JPA (Joint Powers Authority) since 1979 to provide transportation services for students. Mid-Placer is comprised of five school districts servicing the areas of Loomis, Auburn, Colfax and surrounding unincorporated areas of Placer County. The mission is to safely and efficiently transport students for Home-to-School and Activity Trips. Mid-Placer also operates routes for Home-to-School and Special Needs transportation in support of our Member Districts. The State of California Education Code 39800.1 states, “As a condition of receiving apportionments under Section 41850.1, a local educational agency (LEA) shall develop a plan describing the transportation services it will offer to its pupils, and how it will prioritize planned transportation services for pupils in transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, and any of the grades 1-6, inclusive, and pupils who are low income. The plan shall be adopted by the local educational agency’s governing board on or before April 1, 2024, and updated by April 1 each year thereafter.” The plan shall include the following components: A description of the LEA’s transportation services that would be accessible to pupils with disabilities and homeless children and youth, as defined pursuant to the federal McKinney- Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C Sec. 11301 et seq) A description of how unduplicated pupils, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 42238.02, would be able to access available home-to-school transportation at no cost to pupils. The plan shall be presented and adopted by the governing board of the local educational agency in an open meeting with the opportunity for in-person public comment. The plan may provide for the LEA to partner with a municipally owned transit system to provide service pursuant to this section to middle and high school students. Nothing in a LEA’s plan shall preclude an LEA from providing no-cost transit passes to pupils. For purposes of this section, “local educational agency” means a school district or a county office of education. Please click this link to read the Plan in its entirety. This information will be presented to the Board of Trustees during an upcoming Board meeting. PLACER UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT – HTS (Home-to-School) TRANSPORTATION PLAN School Year 2025-2026

Ready, Set ...

Please remember that PUHSD partners with GoKid to provide a free carpooling app to all PUHSD families. This voluntary program will allow you to streamline your school commute by self- organizing carpools, connect with other families, drastically reduce your driving time, and help reduce traffic issues. The GoKid planner helps organize carpools for school, after-school activities, and more - with families from your school community. If you have questions or need support, please email GoKid at support@gokid.mobi.

Please consider using this optional free app to assist with travel needs for students. For more information, go to Parent Resources on our website.

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