Exceptional students recognized CANDICE VETTER candice.vetter@eap.on.ca
867 Notre Dame St., EMBRUN, ON 613-443-3552 Pharmacie / Pharmacy SAVE $2 WVMTQOQJTM7V\IZQW,Z]O*MVMÅ\8ZM[KZQX\QWV[ * See in-store for details.
RUSSELL | Nine exceptional students of the Catholic District School Board of East- ern Ontario were recognized at the Bravo Breakfast held April 8 at St. Thomas Aqui- nas High School in Russell. Awards were presented by board chair- person Brent Laton, Trustee for Prescott and Russell counties Sue Wilson and Director of Education William Gartland. Also on hand to congratulate the deserving students were Superintendent Marg Shea-Lawrence, Trustee Ron Eamer, Associate Director of Education Gordon Greffe, Archbishop Pren- dergast of the Ottawa Diocese, other school and church officials, Russell Township may- or J.P. St. Pierre, and parents. Awards were presented to Bryson Kettles- Strutt of Mother Teresa in Russell for making a difference in the community and school; London Belanger of Pope John Paul II in Hammond for patience, understanding and her kindwelcoming spirit; Isabelle Dufour of St. Jude in Vankleek Hill for her compassion, kindness and hardwork; LiamVeinotte of St. Mary’s in Chesterville for his work including shaving his head and raising over $1000 for cancer research; Miriam Pereira of St. Patrick in Rockland for her love for others and help- ing build character; Christian Ouimet of St. Francis Xavier in Hammond for helping with
Students within the CDSBEO schools were honoured April 8 for their achievements and attitudes at the Bravo Breakfast held at St.Thomas Aquinas Catholic School in Russell. Shown is Bryson Kettles-Strutt of Mother Teresa Catholic School in Russell receiving his award from CDSBEO Chair Brent Laton, Trustee Sue Wilson and Direc- tor of Education Bill Gartland.
the football team, the breakfast club and for his musicianship; Alexander Brisson, also of St. FX, for passion, dedication, excellence in studies and fundraising for Relay for Life; Spencer Ellsworth of St. Thomas Aquinas in Russell for kind consideration, praise and encouragement to peers, and his active
participation; and Tamara Hamilton, also of STA, for giving 100% effort in sports, the Envirothon team, and her outstanding 4-H participation including showing at Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. All the students also had many other achievements.
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