China & East Asia
China’s Global Significance
is one of the most populated cities in the world, with more than 21 million resi- dents. It stands at the heart of Chinese politics and plays a pivotal role in inter- national relations. Beijing is the biggest star in a galaxy of cities that host global headquarters. A stunning 15% of revenue generated by the Global 500 last year—6.1 trillion—was created in Beijing. The city hosts numer- ous headquarters of major state-owned enterprises and private financial corpo- rations in its financial street. Beijing’s Zhongguancun area is a world-leading center of scientific and technological in- novation and entrepreneurship, focusing on developing artificial intelligence and quantum computing. Furthermore, Bei- jing is a thriving hub of innovation and education, home to 28% of China’s start- ups, including high-tech companies like ByteDance, the owner of TikTok. Beijing is a city that straddles the di- vide between the ancient and modern worlds. Since the Ming dynasty, Beijing has been the center of traditional Chinese culture and learning. The city’s cultural and historical significance is underscored by iconic landmarks, such as the UNES- CO-listed Forbidden City and Temple of Heaven, which draw millions of tourists annually. China’s capital also serves as a gateway to the Great Wall, a testament to ancient engineering and history. With all its ancient wonders, it is also a place that fully embraces the fast-paced develop- ment of modern life, such as the 798 Art Zone, with towering 21st-century archi- tectural wonders standing alongside the cultural relics of the past. When it comes to access, Beijing boasts a robust metro network spanning over 700 kilometers, offering exceptional con- venience for Baret students to navigate the city and its surroundings. Its extensive subway system seamlessly links to major landmarks, facilitating easy exploration of cultural attractions, educational institu- tions, and exciting adventures. Moreover, Beijing’s bustling international airport, one of the world’s busiest, provides Baret students with effortless access to neigh- boring Asian countries, enriching their experience throughout the Baret fellow- ship program.
WITH A history of over 5,000 years, China is home to over 1.4 billion people, repre- senting approximately 17.7% of the glob- al population. Picture a vast land where ancient dynasties have laid the founda- tion for ultra-modern skyscrapers. From thousand-year-old temples to the bustling chatter of its innovative tech hubs, China is a magnificent mosaic of the past meet- ing the present. China stands tall with the world’s second-largest economy, driving near- ly a third of global economic growth. Its reputation as a manufacturing behemoth is crystallized by its title as the “factory to the world,” churning out over 28% of global manufactured goods. Beyond its industrial prowess, China epitomizes the spirit of achieving the seemingly impossi- ble: from ultra-fast bullet trains that reach speeds of up to 350 km/h (220 miles/h) to the metamorphosis of Shenzhen, which transitioned from a quiet fishing village to a global tech hub. Over the past two de- cades, China’s growing economy has so- lidified its status as a global powerhouse. Its 2001 entry into the World Trade Orga- nization reshaped global trade networks and diplomacy. However, the country is one of the largest greenhouse gas emit- ters, which is juxtaposed with its position as the world’s leader in solar panel produc- tion and a producer of nearly one-third of global wind power. China’s rich cultural heritage and mod- ern geopolitical ties ensure its influence is felt far and wide. This nation isn’t just a country; it’s a phenomenon. As its influ- ence ripples across continents, it becomes clear: to begin to understand the trajecto- ry of our world today is to discover China, both its past and its present. Why Beijing? BEIJING, THE capital of China, offers a captivating blend of history and contem- porary significance. With a storied his- tory spanning over 3,000 years, Beijing
“In China, the past and the future coexist harmoniously, creating a dynamic and ever- evolving nation that commands respect and admiration.” AI WEIWEI
Street view, Beijing
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