Baret Scholars: Students of the World


Tuition & Fees

Chapter 28

video to tell us about themselves, their interests, and which region they were most interested in traveling to. What about interviews? After an ini- tial reading of all applications we receive for a round, we select finalists, each of whom will be interviewed one-on-one by a member of our Admission Committee. The interviews allow us to get a sense of you, your story, your curiosities, your reasons for applying to Baret, and your desire to be a student of the world. Baret offers 4 rounds of admission for each year. As is the case with many uni- versities, the probabilities of admission are higher for students who apply in our earli- er rounds . Our deadlines for 2025–2026 are as follows:

Applications, Tuition, Fees & Scholarships

TUITION FOR Baret Scholars is similar to that of a year at a top-tier university in the United States, even though the Baret program is in 7 regions of the world ver- sus a single campus. For 2025–26, Baret Scholars tuition will be $64,500. Separately, Baret Scholars charges a fee of $30,000, which includes all flights and transportation plus 7-days-a-week break- fast and lunch and all accommodations for the entire Baret Scholars program year. This includes for the fall term and for the winter/spring term in both the home-base cities and the fellowship locations.

For students accepted via Baret’s Round 1 cycle on December 16th, tuition and fee payments would be due in 3 installments on the following dates:

Round 1




Deposit 1: January 7th




Deposit 2: March 7th




Deposit 3: June 30th




For students accepted via Baret’s Round 2 cycle on February 3rd, tuition and fee payments would be due in 3 installments on the following dates:

Round 2




Deposit 1: February 28th





Incidental Expenses

Deposit 2: March 28th




Deposit 3: June 30th




Round 1 Application deadline

November 20th

For students accepted via Baret’s Round 3 cycle on March 31st, tuition and fee payments would be due in 2 installments on the following dates:

Notification of Decision

December 16th

Applications and Deadlines

those around them. We look at signifi- cant accomplishments in something they care about: it could be art, coding, music, athletics, writing, an entrepreneurial en- deavor, or any field of study. While we do take into consideration a student’s academic performance, we are committed to taking a holistic view of every student—understanding that many students are still discovering themselves and have creative minds with a strong desire to strengthen their work ethic. As the song Audition goes in the movie La La Land , “so bring on the rebels, the ripples from pebbles, the painters, and poets, and plays.” We wel- come every student with a desire to ex- plore—their minds, their hearts, and the world around them—to apply. What do we ask for in our applica- tion? Think of the application as a “pre- sentation of you,” an audition of sorts. We are interested in what you have al- ready accomplished for yourself and for others versus requiring you to create something forced for our Admissions Committee. Think of your application to Baret as pulling together a collection from your life. Though there are typical requirements in the application, there is also considerable flexibility, allowing you to make your case to our Admission Committee as you see fit. For exam- ple, for the the class of 2024–2025, we asked all applicants to create a 2 minute

STUDENTS ARE responsible for any inciden- tal expenses they choose to make during the course of the year. Consistent with typical university policies, students are responsible for their travel to the Baret orientation location and, upon gradua- tion, back home. Similarly, students are responsible for their travel to and from home during the winter break.

Round 2 Application deadline

Round 3




January 10th

Deposit 1: April 30th




Notification of Decision

February 3rd

Deposit 2: June 30th




WHILE WE are named after Jeanne Bar- et — the first woman to circumnavigate the globe — it’s also important to know why we are called scholars. In Ancient Greek, σχολή (skhol ḗ ) means “conversa- tions and the knowledge gained through them during free time; the places where these conversations took place.” Our program is rich in both: conversations and places, and therefore our Baret Scholars are students who are excited by possibilities of places and the cultures of conversation. Baret Scholars is a selective admissions program. For 2024–2025, we had over 1,100 students start applications. Of the more than 400 who completed their ap- plications, we have a final selected group of 102 Baret Scholars. On what basis does Baret’s Admis- sion Committee make a decision on each application? The worst educational ex- periences are those “done to students.” Baret’s spirit is one of students guiding their own learning, working collabora- tively and sharing their interests with fellow students. Therefore, we seek stu- dents with a deep sense of curiosity and a demonstrated propensity to care for

Round 3 Application deadline

For students accepted via Baret’s Round 4 cycle on May 9th, tuition and fee payments would be due in 2 installments on the following dates:

March 10th

Notification of Decision

March 31st

Merit Scholarships

Round 4




Deposit 1: May 30th




Round 4 Application deadline

Deposit 2: June 30th




April 15th

Notification of Decision

May 9th*

Note: Families who offer to pay the entire tuition and fees in one installment will be given a 5% discount on the total amount. We also offer a 10% discount to friends who apply to and join Baret together.

WHILE BARET Scholars is not a scholar- ship program, we do take pride in offer- ing scholarships to some students who demonstrate exceptional achievements and abilities—in or out of the classroom. These scholarships are merit-based and are not awarded through determination of need. We offer three different scholar- ships for which applicants can apply in any of our 4 rounds of application. They are of the following amounts: 20,000 USD, 30,000 USD, and 40,000 USD. Students do not need to write separate essays for these scholarships, but by se- lecting to apply for any one of them, their application will be considered alongside others who have applied for the same

*For students needing an earlier decision from Baret in order to defer a college acceptance, we will provide a decision on April 28th.



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