Baret Scholars: Students of the World

Baret’s Morning Program— A Preview



Musk. He is an interviewer for the PBS and CNN news show Amanpour & Company. He has been the president and CEO of the Aspen Institute, a nonpartisan policy studies organization based in Washington, D.C., the chair and CEO of CNN, and the editor of Time.

was a two-sport athlete, playing basketball and football, and a member of Tennessee State’s 1975 NCAA Men’s Basketball Final Four team. He was drafted by the San Fran- cisco 49ers shortly after graduation, playing the majority of his professional football career in the Canadian Football League.

The documentary as a medium has long worked to bridge cultural divides and raise awareness about underappreciat- ed social issues, ultimately promoting empathy and understanding through storytelling. With Joshua Seftel , an Oscar ® -nominated and Emmy ® -win- ning director, we will also explore how subcultures contribute to the broader American identity and discuss the chal- lenges and adversities faced by individ- uals within these communities. Joshua Seftel is re-

It is a fact nearly universally agreed upon that a democracy requires in- formed citizens, and yet access to educa- tion in America remains unequal. Some schools receive ample access to funding, while others struggle to meet students’ basic needs. Networks of independent organizations like Teach For All seek to reform this system by recruiting and placing diverse individuals in high-need classrooms around the world. Together with Wendy Kopp , we consider the work that remains to be done to improve access to an education. Wendy Kopp is CEO



In today’s powderkeg global landscape, the United States faces a challenge: cul- tivating fruitful alliances with friendly nations and addressing differences with volatile adversaries amidst escalating tensions. It is a tightwire act with inter- national stakes. Together with Richard Stengel , we examine the stability of the geopolitical landscape, the spread of disinformation, and the necessity of in- ternational cooperation since the UN’s inception in 1945, and the United States’ role as a protector, interloper, and glob- al superpower. Richard Stengel is Public Affairs during the Obama admin- istration. Before his time in government, Stengel was the Editor of TIME magazine for seven years. He collaborated with Nel- son Mandela on the autobiography, “Long Walk to Freedom.” THE OTHER FOOTBALL Understanding American football is key to grasping the essence of the United States. A sport of violent tackles, breath- taking feats of athleticism, and intricate strategy, American football is an indus- try unto itself, with revenues north of 18 billion dollars for the National Football League. 7,100 high school games week- ly draw 7 million fans, and nearly half of all Americans tune in for college foot- ball. Billy McBride and our hosts discuss the immense significance of the sport to American culture. Billy McBride serves as a preeminent voice in international politics. He served as the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and

The United States emerged in the middle of the 20th century as an undeniable su- perpower and savior of Europe, but in the 60’s, the nation could no longer bear the status quo, giving birth to protest move- ments. Simone White performs select songs including “American War,” “I Am The Man,” and “The Beep Beep Song,” and discusses her 1960s influences and the enduring power of music today. An acclaimed sing-

nowned for his impact- ful storytelling that promotes resilience and challenges stereotypes. His latest film, Strang-

and Co-founder of Teach For All, a global network of independent organiza- tions working to develop collective leadership to


er at the Gate , nominated for a 2023 Academy Award ® and executive produced by Malala Yousafzai, is part of the widely viewed Secret Life of Muslims series.

er-songwriter and pas- sionate advocate for social justice, Simone White is known for her deeply re- flective lyrics and ethereal


ensure all children have the opportunity to fulfill their potential. Prior to launching Teach For All in 2007, Wendy founded and led Teach For America.


AS DISCUSSED in Chapter 2, the Morning Program provides students an in-depth view of each of the 7 regions of the world which the scholars traverse. In the Home Base city of each region, we curate and produce educational and enriching morn- ing segments, locating our students at the intersection of contemporary local culture and the complex sociopolitical history that engendered it. In breadth, depth, and time spent, the Morning Program is roughly equivalent to 7 college courses. Here, we provide you a preview of what a typical Morning Program looks like for students in each region. We’ve chosen this year’s United States program as an exam- ple. Consider the following as a template for Baret’s 6 other regions. The content of each region’s Morning Program is differ- ent, reflecting the complexity and variety of the world’s cultures. The following gives you a sense of the topics a typical morning program covers and the incredible guests who bring them to life. Our scholars are treated to a kalei- doscopic array of speakers, interviewers, and performers employing various modes of delivery, from debates, to talks, inter- views, performances, and panels. This pre- view includes only major segments; there will be hundreds of additional short pro- gram elements which we call “interstitials.” Below are 35 of the confirmed segments and their topics of discussion for the 2024–

2025 New York City Morning Program. Note: as new opportunities for topics arise, we will make improvements to this line up. The final Morning Program for each region will be announced one month prior to ar- rival in the region and will include suggest- ed advance reading. THE GIANTS OF AMERICA’S 2ND GILDED AGE We look at the early days of some of the world’s wealthiest people, such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk, and consider the continuity between them and the founding fathers, who were self-made men and millionaires. We will also consid- er the wealth of these men when set against the backdrop of a growing class of impov- erished people across the globe. Together with Walter Isaacson , the biographer of some of the most powerful individuals of the 20th and 21st centuries, we contem- plate where this second Gilded Age is tak- ing us, and when or if it might end. Walter Isaacson is an

voice that resonates with listeners around the world. Her music, which blends folk, indie, and experimental influences, serves as both a personal exploration and a powerful com- mentary on social issues. She has released seven albums and has been a featured vocalist on a number of collaborations.


With advancements in technology and a precarious climate future, America’s space industry has made lofty promis- es, including colonies on Mars and lux- ury space travel. Until recently, these seemed to quite literally be pie-in-the- sky promises–but space travel will be here sooner than many skeptics imagine. Together with Dr. Ian Thomas , we dis- cuss innovative space exploration tech- nologies such as stratospheric balloons, and consider practical innovations and use cases for these technologies. Dr. Ian Thomas has

In America, it is often assumed that big- ger is better, and the current economic climate has encouraged a proliferation of new real estate for commercial and residential purposes. But do we really need more buildings? What if we uti- lized everything we already have? This conversation will delve into the essen- tials of human spaces, ecology, and the potential of adaptive reuse. As the founder of Openbox, Marquise Still- well will lead a thought-provoking dis- cussion on equity in urban design. Marquise Stillwell is


Despite DEI initiatives in United States workplaces and a variety of legislative ini- tiatives to protect women at work, wom- en remain underpaid, underappreciated, and without many of the societal advan- tages that are afforded men. With Robbie Myers , we discuss the role of women in business and power, examining how they can drive change across industries despite these myriad challenges. Robbie Myers was

been at the forefront of strategic leadership in some of the world’s larg- est and most dynamic aerospace markets. Pri-

a designer who has made everything from librar- ies to museums, film com- panies, and print jour- nals. In 2009, Marquise

the longest-serving Ed- itor-in-Chief and Vice President of brand con- tent at the US edition of Elle , where she led the

or to joining World View, where he leads international business development, Dr. Thomas spent fifteen years at The Boe- ing Company, holding a variety of senior leadership roles across the United States and Europe. Before his time at Boeing, Ian served in the Office of NATO Policy at the Pentagon.

founded Openbox, a design and research studio working at the intersection of people, cities, and the planet. Within Openbox, he later co-founded Opendox, a film company. He was executive producer of The New Bauhaus and most recently co-directed This World Is Not My Own , which pre- miered at SXSW and Hot Docs.

American historian and journalist best known for having written biogra- phies of important public figures, including Henry

a Senior Coach and Asso- ciate Athletic Director for Diversity and Inclusion at Amherst College. As an undergraduate, McBride

magazine for nearly eighteen years starting in 2000. Under her leadership, Elle achieved success that was unprecedented for the mag- azine, solidifying its reputation as a leading voice in the media landscape.

Kissinger, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Ein- stein, Steve Jobs, Jennifer Doudna and Elon





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