HAVING A DISCO BALL New York City has long been a proving ground for many of America’s musical movements, and a place where musicians go to find fame and fortune. DJ Sasha Bar- bot explores the vibrant music scene of New York City, diving into the unique sources of musical inspiration found in its bustling streets and how his intuitive approach has shaped both his career and personal life. Sasha Barbot is a cele-
THE STORIED HISTORY OF THE BOOK Although mediums like television and so- cial media seem to have an ever-tightening grip on our attention, literature–old-fash- ioned books–remains the mode for ele- vated, transformative storytelling. Their influence spans centuries and even millen- nia. And yet for all of the great literature that survives, just as much is lost. Together with Morgan Entrekin of Grove Atlantic, we discuss how traditional publishers can make it their mission to champion diverse voices of exceptional talent. Morgan Entrekin is Under his leadership, Grove Atlantic has pub- lished a diverse array of critically acclaimed au- thors, including Sherman Alexie, Samuel Beck- ett, Jorge Luis Borges, Kenzaburo Oe, Harold Pinter, and many others. THE NEW STORYTELLERS: FROM BOX OFFICE TO BINGE WATCHING the CEO and publisher of Grove Atlantic, one of the oldest and most prestigious independent publishing houses in the United States. In the first few decades of Hollywood, a writer/director had about 90 minutes to tell their tale. Today, directors of television might have upwards of 90 hours across sea- sons to develop storylines that breathe life into diverse characters with whom audi- ences come to identify, sharing their most intimate moments, victories and losses. Together with Dagmar Weaver-Mad- sen , we investigate the evolving role of women in film and the transition from fea- ture films to series in the USA. Dagmar Weaver-
Andrew Essex is Senior Managing Partner at Tata Consultancy services, the $29B glob- al information technology firm, and a former McKinsey Senior Advisor. Previously, Essex was Chief Executive Officer of the Tribeca Film Festival and founding CEO of Droga5, the Ad- Age and AdWeek “Agency of the Decade.”
higher education and explores the ongoing innovations that could shape its future. Dr. Michael S. Roth is
become a symbol of technological in- novation, logarithmic growth, and un- imaginable riches. But Silicon Valley is far from the only home of innovation. Siddhartha Banthiya , an investor and executive, compares investment cultures between the East and West coasts of the United States, shedding light on regional differences in business strategies. Siddhartha Banthiya
a distinguished historian, author of eight books, and the current President of Wesleyan University, a leading liberal arts insti-
The mass shootings that make the news in America are only the tip of the iceberg of the country’s gun violence. Social conditions like poverty play a role in this violence, and a lack of gun control laws means individuals can access these weap- ons too easily. In the wake of this vio- lence, art is made which seeks to speak to America’s grief. Together with William Electric Black , we discuss gun violence, the intersection between art and social injustice, and his experience connecting activism and education. William Electric
tution in the United States. Since assuming the presidency in 2007, Dr. Roth has been at the forefront of discussions on the future of higher education, advocating for the importance of interdisciplinary education. PURPOSE-DRIVEN STARTUPS: HARNESSING POSITIVE IMPACT FOR GROWTH In the startup world, integrating positive impact into a business model is crucial for success. Companies with purpose-driv- en missions can boost consumer pref- erence and brand strength. Embracing purpose not only fulfills ethical goals but also drives tangible business bene- fits. Sameer Shafi Warraich discuss- es the importance of making a positive impact through business, advocating for “unconventional” career paths, and em- phasizing the role of social impact work within our communities. Sameer Shafi Warraich 2030) at Google, where he harnesses the power of data to help businesses achieve their sustain- able development goals. He also serves on the Board of Trustees for the Squeaks Foundation, which provides scholarships for underprivi- leged female students in Pakistan. FROM CREATIVE AGENCY TO GLOBAL CONSULTING: A CAREER JOURNEY The global landscape is facing down myr- iad issues of mind boggling complexity. Whether one is in advertising, media or politics, these issues, from climate change to refugee crises, are in constant flux and require that our leaders think outside the box. Andrew Essex discusses the impor- tance of finding creative solutions to com- plex global problems, demonstrating how innovative thinking can address some of the most pressing challenges today. is the Principal Analytical Consultant as well as a Startup Success Manager in Startups for Sustain- able Development (Project
is an investor and exec- utive based in New York City. For six years, he served as Vice President and Director of Technol-
brated music producer, DJ and singer. His career is marked by an impressive discography, spanning House, Techno, Tribal,
Financial technology is undergoing a dig- ital revolution that is streamlining pay- ments and transactions. Advanced tools like blockchain and AI are making re- al-time transaction monitoring and fraud detection possible. Together with Gabri- el Stengel , we discuss the evolution of a digital financial landscape that is making consumer protection infinitely easier. Gabriel Stengel is a ically for elite financial institutions. Under his leadership, Rogo has revolutionized the way financial entities harness the power of artificial intelligence, ensuring security, ef- ficiency, and innovation. DEATH OF THE BOOK Technological innovations like movies, television, and the internet have long been promised to be the death of books and literature, and yet Americans contin- ue to read, whether it be on their tablets or on old-fashioned ink and paper. Jona- than Karp , President and CEO of Simon & Schuster, Inc., discusses the future of publishing in an era dominated by digital transformations, considering the challeng- es and opportunities of AI and the evolving role of traditional print media. Jonathan Karp is re- visionary entrepreneur and the driving force behind Rogo, a cut- ting-edge generative AI platform designed specif-
ogy, Media and Telecom at Credit Suisse, be- fore leading Corporate Development at Blue Apron. From there, he moved onto Milk Bar, where he spent 3 years as Chief Financial Of- ficer and Chief Strategy Officer.
Disco, Soul, and Funk, which reflects his ver- satility and innovation. His performances are about creating moments of connection, joy, and transcendence for his audience.
Black, also known as Ian Ellis James, is a sev- en-time Emmy Award winning writer and the author of Gunplays , a
series of 5 plays about the social conditions and traumas that drive gun violence in inner cities. He is known for his work on “Sesame Street” between 1992 and 2002. He also wrote for Nickelodeon’s “Alleg- ra’s Window” and LancitMedia’s “Back- yard Safari.”
Applying to college used to be a labyrinthi- an process, especially for students looking to apply abroad. Only those with institu- tional or family knowledge had any clarity about what it took to get into top schools. Through the equalizing power of the in- ternet, an entire industry has sprung up around increasing access to this informa- tion, along with the tutors and all the sup- plemental programs a student could need. Chris Hoehn-Saric discusses these and other innovations in education, along with what it takes to be an entrepreneur. Chris Hoehn-Saric
Although advances in medical care have raised life expectancies to levels that would have astonished Americans from even a century ago, the human body remains a mystery in many respects. In a healthcare landscape that prioritizes triage over pre- ventative health, the gut microbiome, a world of tiny organisms unto its own, is a fas- cinating case study in how healthcare could change in the future. Dr. Jonas Schulter discusses the critical role of the gut microbi- ome in overall health, exploring its potential impacts on disease and wellness. Jonas Schluter is a dis-
Wikitongues is at the forefront of glob- al efforts to document and sustain the diverse tapestry of human languages in the Americas and beyond, working with a global network of grassroots lin- guists to build a seed bank of every lan- guage in the world. With Daniel Udell , co-Founder of Wikitongues, we consider the importance of empowering indige- nous communities in the United States to preserve their language and cultural heritage, along with fostering a deeper appreciation for the world’s rich cultural diversity across the globe. Daniel Bögre Udell
is an entrepreneur and investor with over three decades of experience in driving innovation and growth across diverse in-
tinguished researcher at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, where he serves as an Assistant Professor of Microbiology. With a
dustries. He is the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Sterling Partners, one of the most respected private equity firms in the US, and chairman of the Shorelight board of directors.
Madsen is a director and cinematographer, par- ticularly recognized for her work on Sony/Ama- zon’s A League of Their
profound interest in the intersection of health- care economics and public health outcomes, Dr. Schluter has published extensively on the micro- biological underpinnings of disease prevention and management.
sponsible for all the pub- lishing and operations of Simon & Schuster’s numerous publishing di- visions and its interna-
Own (2022), and HBO’s High Maintenance (2016). Her feature film portfolio includes Kris Swanberg’s Unexpected , which premiered at Sundance Film Festival, and Carlos Marques Marcet’s 10.000KM , which debuted at SXSW.
is a language activist dedicated to the preser- vation and promotion of the world’s linguistic heritage. In conversa-
The U.S. higher education system is re- nowned for its top-flight Ivy League schools, its impressive research universities, and the robust availability of affordable state universities. All told these schools serve over 18 million students. As the President of Wesleyan University, Michael Roth an- alyzes the sustainability of success in U.S.
tional companies in Australia, Canada, In- dia and the United Kingdom. With a career spanning over three decades, Karp has been at the forefront of the literary world, shaping the careers of numerous bestselling authors and overseeing the publication of critically acclaimed books across all genres.
tion with Baret President Alexandra Gar- cia, Udell will discuss how Wikitongues makes a living document of the world’s linguistic landscape, while also supporting efforts to sustain and rejuvenate languages that might otherwise be lost.
At the intersection of the drama and music sits the opera, an art form that originated in Italy in the 16th century and remains a signifier of sophistician. James Valenti intertwines the enchanting worlds of op- era and philanthropy, discussing how to
Silicon Valley, through the success of its entrepreneurs and engineers, has
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