Baret Scholars: Students of the World

THE AMERICAN THEATRE The American theatre has a long and il- lustrious history as a proving ground for established and upcoming actors alike, and as a place where complex social issues are plumbed in all their depth. Edoardo Tessio shares his journey of establishing a theatre company in the USA, reflecting on the chal- lenges and triumphs of bringing multiple nationalities to American stages. Edoardo Tesio is an


ect at the US-Mexico Foundation and the non-profit North America 3.0. His insights are frequently featured in The Hill, The New York Times , and Foreign Affairs . THE UNITED NATIONS In the wake of two devastating World Wars, the United Nations was founded in 1945 with the goal of preventing fu- ture wars. With its headquarters in New York City, it has since had an illustrious record in maintaining international law and order, as well as with protecting hu- man rights and enforcing international conventions. John Hocking offers in- sights into the operations of the United Nations, focusing on the complexities of the UN court and its financial manage- ment strategies. John Hocking is a

engage younger audiences in these rich cultural experiences. International opera star James Valenti has sung leading tenor roles all over the world, including The Metropolitan Opera New York, San Francisco Opera, La Scala Milan, Royal Opera House London, and Paris Opéra Bastille. HEALTHCARE FUTURES Innovations in medical technology con- tinue to be life-saving for millions of Americans. While new medications and healthcare devices are foregrounded, behind the scenes digital innovations are allowing doctors to make diagnoses faster and with great accuracy. Jaclyn Kawwas dives into the intersection of medical technology, digital health, and AI, discussing the future of healthcare careers in these rapidly evolving fields. Jaclyn Kawwas is a

lead and contribute, the right markets to take the idea to, and the right organizational systems to put in place. Just as important is being willing to branch out–any business is only as good as its ability to adapt to chang- ing times and circumstances. Together with Matthew Lloyd-Thomas , Baret’s founder Chris Whittle talks about what it takes to start and sustain things. Matthew Lloyd- a track record of working with world-class consumer brands, he is committed to support- ing entrepreneurs in scaling their ventures and navigating the complex landscape of consumer-focused industries. Prior to join- ing the firm, he was the Executive Director of Corporate Development at The New York Times, where he led the acquisitions of The Athletic, Wordle, and Serial Productions. A CAREER TALK At least once in nearly everyone’s career, they will feel stuck. Trying something new, stepping out of one’s comfort zone–these things come easier to some than others, es- pecially when one’s livelihood is at stake. At these times, boldness may be required: bet- ting on yourself and your passions, while a risk, is the only surefire way to find the right role or organization. Together with one of our hosts, Evelyn Webster discusses her own career and journey, and considers how best to overcome career challenges. Evelyn Webster is a Thomas is the Vice Pres- ident at TCG, a multi- stage investment firm dedicated to building con- sumer businesses. With olutionizing the fitness world with its indoor cycling experience. Before joining SoulCycle, Evelyn served as CEO of Guardian News and Media’s international operations, where she was responsible for directing the brand’s inter- national strategy across the U.S. and Australia, helping to strengthen its global presence. LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE? THE EVER-EVOLVING STORY OF IMMIGRATION IN THE USA Immigration has always been integral to the identity and history of the US, from leader in the fitness and wellness industry, current- ly serving as the CEO of SoulCycle, a premier life- style brand known for rev-

early European settlers to today’s diverse migrant population. Many argue immi- grants enrich the nation’s economy, cul- ture, and resilience, despite ongoing de- bates on border security and citizenship pathways. A growing stigma against im- migrants, both legal and illegal, has made it more and more difficult for immigrants seeking the American dream to even en- ter this country. Alfred Bridi talks with one of our hosts about the future of immi- gration in the United States. Alfred Bridi is an ac-

Anyone who wants to understand the his- tory of a country like the United States must understand the lives of its Presidents. It is a matter of debate whether these men (and perhaps soon women!) are products of their historical moment, or the ones who make history themselves–and perhaps both can be true. But it is undeniable that we live in the wake of these men’s choices. Togeth- er with Jon Meacham , we contemplate their triumphs and failures, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Jon Meacham is a Rogers Chair in the American Presidency at Vanderbilt University, where he co-chairs the Vanderbilt Project on Unity & Democracy. A biographer and contributing editor at TIME , he lectures widely in the United States on histo- ry, politics, and religious faith, and is the Canon Historian of Washington National Cathedral. DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH: IDENTIFYING GREAT IDEAS IN A SATURATED START-UP WORLD Pulitzer Prize-winning presidential historian, author and renowned academic. He holds the Carolyn T. and Robert M. It can be easy to forget just how much tech- nology has altered the fundamental nature of our day-to-day life. Our smartphones and AI might be the topics du jour, but be- fore them were laptops, the internet, and to go even further back, inventions that now seem quaint like cordless phones, television, and the automobile. Behind each was an innovator, and to lift them up they needed true believers who knew that the innovation would change people’s lives. Together with Michael Moe , we discuss what it takes to find the diamonds in the innovation rough. Michael Moe is the

Italian theatre director, producer, and performer based in New York. He is the founder and artistic director of Company del-

complished U.S. immi- gration attorney with Scale LLP, specializing in employment- and fam- ily-based immigration

la Luna, a NYC-based theatre company that produces “pop shows,” each featuring original choreography and music. Edoardo’s work is characterised by daring storytelling and sensual choreography.

law. Alfred’s career spans a diverse range of fields, including work with international or- ganizations such as the International Rescue Committee and Doctors Without Borders, as well as serving as legal counsel for the Os- car-nominated and Cannes Jury Prize-win- ning film Capernaum . He has also contribut- ed to editorial publications and the arts.

United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and a global leader in inter- national criminal justice with a career spanning


healthcare innovator with over seven years of experience in biomedi- cal engineering, medical devices, digital health,

over three decades. As a former Registrar of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the Mecha- nism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT), Hocking has overseen some of the most complex and high-profile war crimes trials in modern history.

While some American public schools are ro- bust, well-funded, and staffed with enthu- siastic teachers, others suffer from attrition among staff due to burnout, and even issues with building maintenance and nutrition for the most vulnerable. Into this education gap have stepped charter schools: independent public schools that seek to provide special- ized, high-quality curriculums and pro- gramming. Together with Eva Moskowitz , we consider the power and influence of the charter school networks in America. Eva Moskowitz is an the largest and highest-performing public char- ter school network in New York City. With a career spanning over two decades, Eva has dedicated herself to transforming education in America, focusing on providing exceptional educational opportunities to all students, par- ticularly those from underserved communities. THE START-UP SEED: NURTURING A GROWING BUSINESS Any great idea for a business is like a seed: it is delicate, and it needs the right environ- ment to grow in. It’s not just about capital, but about finding the right individuals to American historian, politi- cian, and education reform leader who is the founder and CEO of the Success Academy Charter Schools,


and artificial intelligence. Currently, Jaclyn serves as the Head of Business Development at Jona, a stealth startup revolutionizing health care with AI-powered gut microbi- ome testing.

Beyond television and movie theaters, there is a third space where media and technology can continue to find inno- vative ways to move and surprise au- diences: interactive, immersive media. Innovations have made it possible for even old classics like the haunted house to feel brand new. They can feel so real it would be wrong to call the people en- joying them an audience. Instead, the audience becomes the performer: if it feels like you’re “really there,” that’s be- cause you are. Together with Thomas Jakobsen , we discuss how media will continue to evolve with and through technology to serve audiences seeking an immersive experience. Thomas Jakobsen is



Today, the spotlight on Native empow- erment extends beyond land issues to encompass broader economic isolation in Indigenous communities across Can- ada, the US, and Central America. Clay Morad discusses Native empowerment in the U.S., exploring the unique aspects of public-private partnerships and the distinct nature of the Alaskan Native ex- perience, highlighting how these factors influence empowerment efforts. Clay Morad is the Vice

In an era where isolationist, confronta- tional economic policies have found in- creasing traction among American pol- iticians and trade agreements are at risk of being ripped up, the USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement) stands as a landmark trade pact, reshap- ing North American commerce and re- flecting a new era of economic collabo- ration. Diego Marroquin discusses the intricate relationship between Mexico, the USA, and Canada, including trade, security, and the broader implications of their global alliances. Diego Marroquín Bi-

Director of Production/ Senior Producer of Think- well Media. In partnership with Warner Bros. and Unify, he created another

founder and CEO of GSV, a growth-focused invest- ment platform based in Silicon Valley. Under his leadership, GSV has in-

President of NOAA Oper- ations at ASRC Federal, a leading provider of tech- nology and mission-crit- ical services to the federal

entrance in the Harry Potter canon for fans to enjoy through the interactive “Harry Potter: A Forbidden Forest Experience.” Thomas’s latest work includes producing Johnny Depp’s im- mersive show, “A Bunch of Stuff,” which prom- ises an “intimate exploration” of Depp’s art like never before.

vested in some of the most influential compa- nies of our time, including Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, Snap, Lyft, and Spotify. He was se- lected for the Institutional All American Re- search Team and named “Best on the Street” by the Wall Street Journal while heading Global Growth research at Merrill Lynch.

tar is The Bersin-Foster North America Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center. He co-founded the North America Proj-

government. His work at ASRC Federal, an Alaska Native Corporation owned by nearly 14,000 Iñupiat shareholders, uniquely posi- tions him at the intersection of Indigenous enterprise and federal operations.





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