Baret Signature Series STARTING THINGS Starting Things is a distinctive series of sessions led by Chris Whittle , the found- er of Baret Scholars, to awaken the entre- preneurial spirit in our students. In his 50 year career he has launched 5 major en- deavors with over 8,000 team members. All were companies with a cause. Two of those became “unicorns,” companies worth over $1 billion. Designed to inspire and equip Scholars with the knowledge and mindset to initiate various ventures of their own, these interdisciplinary ses- sions highlight the science and the art behind starting new projects. Chris believes that when starting something new, whether it’s a business, a social venture, or a personal project, it’s vital to follow certain principles parallel to the scientific method. He will share his insights and experiences, emphasiz- ing that successful beginnings are ones where the founder adheres to the concept “head in the sky, feet on the ground.” Starting Things seeks to empower Scholars to confidently embark on their own initiatives, perhaps during their college years. During the series, willing Scholars will have a setting to develop their own ideas as well as meet and speak with other entrepreneurs who will join the seminar as guests in each of Baret’s 7 regions. At the end of the Baret year, the three best business plans will be chosen by a Baret panel and awarded funding.
Academic Readiness
Afternoon Options Chapter 13
AFTER A morning of enrichment in our Morning Program, our students have a wealth of options to choose from in the afternoon. For the sake of their inde- pendence, our scholars’ afternoons are structured as they see fit. Most days they will trust their intuition, perhaps dis- coursing with their peers in a cafe on the Seine while they are in Paris, or traipsing through art galleries in Greenwich Village in New York City. But once a week, in or- der to help further their professional de- velopment and encourage their interests, they may choose a course designed by our Fellows, Deans and Founders. These Afternoon Options, as we call them, are meant to supplement the Bar- et program. They offer a mix of practical skills and specialization in our four do- mains: Innovation, Nature, Politics, and Creativity. By no means must students participate: the emphasis in Afternoon Options is on option . Baret’s signature course is Starting Things . Led by Baret founder Chris Whittle, who has started two busi- nesses with billion dollar valuations, this course is meant to ignite the entre- preneur in our scholars. At the end of the year, the 3 best business plans that emerge from the course will be awarded funding by Baret! Our career and college counseling course is also enormously popular. There are also courses in French to prepare our scholars for their stay in Paris in the fall and Mandarin in the spring to prepare them for China. A panoply of seminars in our four domains complement the Fellowships we offer at the end of the visit to each region. There is something for everyone in these courses: the Afternoon Options are comprehensive, practical, and wide-rang- ing. Meeting just once a week, these cours- es are a structured way to take advantage of the expertise of our Fellows and Deans. They will enrich our students and make them more ready to immerse themselves in the world around them. Below are the available options for our first three regions for the class of 2024- 2025. Some of these options are available throughout the year, and others, like our Seminars in Domain, vary based on the region we are in: included below are the Seminars in Domains that we are running in New York City this year. We intend this overview to be a preview of what’s to come. Each region will have similar options, with slight variations that will capitalize on the opportunities offered by each region.
The significance of applied mathe- matics and science in the 21st century also lies in our students’ ability to cap- ture the structure of observable experi- ences and, consequently, to solve a wide array of meaningful problems in life and at work. Every sector of our society rou- tinely produces vast amounts of data, and young professionals should purposefully prepare for the future of these industries with the right mathematical tools and analytical abilities. ACADEMIC RESEARCH Navigating the world of essay-writing and research can be a strenuous and be- fuddling task for even a professor, yet it is one of the most important skills for a successful college career. Designed and led by Sammi Bennet , who has a Master of Philosophy in International Development from the University of Oxford, this course lays the ground- work for students to perform their own academic research. They begin by learning how to identify credible sourc- es. The course then delves into differ- ent research methodologies, including qualitative and quantitative approach- es. A focus is academic integrity and how to avoid plagiarism by correctly citing their sources. The course also incorporates creative and indigenous methodologies, pro- viding diverse perspectives in research. Scholars engage in practical exercises, in- cluding “out in the field” activities such as writing ethnographic field notes on field trips. Any student hoping to be bet- ter prepared to write and research at the collegiate level and beyond will find this course essential. CREATIVE WRITING Beginning with a blank page, this Op- tion unleashes the creative potential of our students. Led by Ronan McRory , a filmmaker whose work has caught the at- tention of 21st Century Fox, this course encourages their artistic freedom and hones their discipline. Through practical exercises, they’ll outline their own short stories and dive into character develop- ment, exploring techniques for creating detailed and memorable characters. They also cover the fundamentals of screenplay formatting, focusing on key elements such as sluglines, action, and dialogue.
This Option supports students navigating the daunting and labyrinthian process of applying to undergraduate programs in universities and colleges abroad. This Option is led by Revelyn Fernandes , who has a degree in Psychology from the Federal Fluminense University and has made a career of guiding and mentoring students from all over the world. Our stu- dents will be instilled with the resilience and confidence needed to stride into their lives with chins held high. In the first semester, students will fa- miliarize themselves with various appli- cation processes, develop a college list, explore financial aid, and gather evidence for their applications. They will also fo- cus on crafting evocative and persuasive personal statements and supplemental essays, and learn how best to prepare for and present themselves in interviews. The semester concludes with finalizing and submitting applications. In the second semester, students will wrap up USA applications and set up ap- plication portals for European countries. They will prepare for AP exams and refine their CVs. The sessions will also cover skill development, career exploration, and fu- ture planning, including professional net- working and financial planning. Students will come away with not only completed applications but a sensibility: they will know how to face the challenges of their careers with grit and determination.
Becoming adept in the realm of science is about more than finding solutions to problem sets. Led by Wendy Lin , a PhD in Pharmacology from Cornell Medicine, our students will learn to appreciate the great value of transferable mathematical skills and scientific mindsets by applying higher-order thinking and exploring so- phisticated ideas in real-world settings. The workshop encourages students to nurture their curiosity for understanding the world around them via a mathematical or scientific lens.
Chris Whittle
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