Baret Scholars: Students of the World

Chapter 14 Advising

AFTER GRADUATING from high school and during their first few years at university, students often find themselves brim- ming with questions, emotions, plans, and ideas. Recognizing the complexities of this pivotal stage, we have designed a robust and modern advising system that is globally informed and deeply compas- sionate. Drawing inspiration from the distinguished Oxford/Cambridge tutori- al model, our advising framework offers a unique blend of life design strategies, competency assessment, skillset devel- opment guidance and self-reflections. Through a carefully balanced combina- tion of daily House Meetings and indi- vidualized Weekly Sessions, students re- ceive individualized support that adapts to their evolving needs, ensuring they are exceptionally prepared to navigate the complexities of their Baret year, higher education and beyond. This holistic approach empow- ers students to take ownership of their journeys, fostering resilience, self-awareness, and strategic deci- sion-making—qualities essential for thriving in today’s dynamic world. Baret Fellows, an amazing cadre of educators and mentors with deep industry expe- rience and geographical diversity, are at the heart of this transformative experi- ence. With a commitment to excellence and a deep understanding of global dy- namics, they guide each student with expertise and empathy, ensuring that the advising process is as inspiring as the students themselves. Our program is informed by global best practices and enriched by diverse perspectives, inte- grating insights from a “Think Tank” of advisors. Information on these advisors can be found at the end of this chapter.

Four Tenets of the Advisory Program

WHEN STUDENTS graduate from high school, they typically leave behind en- vironments where most life decisions were made for them. While this period promises tremendous excitement and adventure, the reality for many students is that they feel unsure and ill-equipped to navigate the challenges of making

“The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.”




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