2 Sense of Self THIS COMPONENT encourages students to engage in activities that challenge their comfort zones, leading to profound personal growth and self-awareness. Through carefully designed risk-taking opportunities, students explore and un- derstand their strengths, weaknesses, and potential, fostering a deeper sense of self. By utilizing assessment tools that help students gain a better understanding of their capacity, students are able to explore and better understand their strengths, weaknesses, and potential. With seven 10-day Fellowships to choose from over the year, students have multiple opportu- nities to iterate upon their interests, leave their comfort zones, and explore who they are in each of these different contexts. Recognizing the importance of men- tal resilience, the program integrates strategies to support mental health and emotional well-being, ensuring that stu- dents are equipped to handle the various challenges and psychological aspects of their transformative journey. Fellows understand that well-being is a multi-fac- eted, subjective experience that requires a holistic approach involving sensitivity, safety, and personalized support. 3 Thinking & Decision-Making THIS ASPECT of the program borrows from the research of Barry Schwartz, the behav- ioral economist whose talk “The Paradox of Choice” was among the first TED talks to go viral online. Fellows coach students in the art of making well-informed, balanced decisions amidst a world of overwhelming choices. Through workshops, discussions,
important decisions, managing respon- sibilities, and taking calculated risks as they pursue their dreams. The advising program at Baret Scholars is meticulous- ly designed to incorporate aspects from global cultures and backgrounds, en- riching the educational experience and personal growth of each student in our diverse cohort. Fellows offer the support structures of the House, Morning Meet- ings, Afternoon Options and Fellow- ships, while also preserving flexibility in the format so that students can complete their projects in the manner that best in- spires them.
and practical exercises, students learn to navigate complexities and act despite in- herent uncertainties. The program also places significant emphasis on the im- portance of cultural sensitivity. Students enhance their decision-making skills in academic, social, and professional con- texts all while learning to navigate cultur- al differences in new environments. With the support of the Fellow and their House, students organically explore their most important life decisions: where they want to go to university, which areas they will experiment in, and what impact they will generate in these critical years. 4 Tangible Outcomes & Shared Learning THROUGH WEEKLY one-on-one sessions throughout the year, students are invited to create and share deliverables that encap- sulate their learnings and experiences to be shared back to their House. These may in- clude capstone project milestones, journal diaries, development plans, or reflective es- says, and are shared with their Fellows, pro- viding an opportunity for meaningful feed- back and reflection. By offering their candid thoughts and documenting key milestones of their journey, this process not only con- solidates their learning but also allows them to contribute their insights and discoveries back to the cohort, fostering a culture of sharing and collaboration. Shared learning drives towards broader presentations given at the end of each semester, culminating in a final demonstration of learning during their graduation ceremony. Fellow Profiles IN THE Baret advisory program, the Fel- lows possess a blend of erudition, global exposure, and educational prowess. They
are worldly professionals who can navigate dual roles as educators and mentors. They come from different walks of life, such as film, business, journalism, art, technology, politics, education, and conservation; they all have experience or training in educa- tion. Fellows are adept in communication, problem-solving, and relationship-build- ing and possess a unique blend of flexibil- ity and curiosity. Importantly, Fellows are experts at leading students through dis- covery and learning: they are never sages on a stage; they are facilitators of life-long learning and development, placing the stu- dents at the center of the advising process. Ultimately, those selected for the Fellow role are more than advisors, coaches, or mentors; they are the visionary guide for future leaders, equipped to guide students through an educational journey that is as diverse and dynamic as the global land- scapes they traverse together.
Therapy and a Diploma in Couples Ther- apy. Sofia is a cognitive-based therapist specialized in cognitive behavioral ther- apy and learning difficulties/cognitive disabilities. She studied in Mexico City and earned her master’s degrees in Spain at ISEP, working in a private practice alongside neuropsychologists. Togeth- er they offer Baret Fellows the tools and frameworks to promote mental health by leveraging ethical and research-backed psychotherapeutic approaches.
find their university placements and ca- reer paths. As member of the Times Higher Education International Schools Advisory board, Augusto presents at re- gional and global forums, where he leads sessions for the Counsellor Accreditation Programme.
LESA WANG: As the Head of Design and Director of Global Spark Pro- grams at the Dwight Schools in New York, London, Dubai, Seoul,
1 Student-Led Partnership
Shanghai and Global Online, Lesa spear- heads partnerships with a dynamic blend of artistry, entrepreneurship, and futurism. She empowers teachers and students to collaborate across borders to envision solu- tions to global challenges. Her over twen- ty-five years in education and pioneering work in Maker Spaces has helped inspire countless students.
Think Tank Advisors
BRIAN S. LEE: Brian is a cross-cultural execu- tive coach who works with universities and executives to devel- op future leaders that
THE ADVISORY program emphasizes co-creation of learning experiences, where students have significant input in setting their goals, choosing their paths, and leading initiatives. Fellows serve as confidants and sounding boards, who can share input when invited, but maintain space for students to cultivate agency, maturity, and self-reliance. Students take ownership of house meetings by co-host- ing the sessions, making announce- ments, providing updates and remind- ers, and discussing thoughtful questions with their House. During weekly one- on-one sessions, which are scheduled by the students themselves, Fellows act as trusted advisors, providing insights and guidance when solicited, while allowing space for students to cultivate indepen- dence, maturity, and self-reliance. Each student brings their own sense of val- ues, traditions, and goals that the Fellow honors and investigates with the student. This partnership fosters a sense of own- ership, responsibility, and confidence in students. Students develop a deeper un- derstanding of themselves and envision a self-actualized future that rings authen- tic to their story.
OUR “THINK TANK” was tasked with creating a program tailored to the unique needs of our students and Fellows. Drawing from a variety of educational philosophies and re- al-world experiences, this team collaborat- ed to design an advising framework that is both innovative and grounded in proven ed- ucational practices and therapeutic practic- es. Their combined expertise and creative synergy have been instrumental in shaping a program that is as dynamic and multifac- eted as the students it aims to guide.
possess the skills to lead global teams. In addition to working with organizations like The Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations, RIT, UNICEF, and Nike, he currently serves as a board member for the Cape Eleuthera Founda- tion and volunteers as a coach for refugees facing global relocation challenges. As a graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy, The Island School, Swarthmore College, and Zhejiang University, he has lived in eight countries and speaks four languages.
Our Advisors
AUGUSTO NETO: Augus- to, Assistant Director of University Guidance & Scholarship Mentor at St. Paul’s School in São Paulo, brings over
CENTRO CER: At the heart of our support system are psycho ther- apists Regina Garcia and Sofia González from Centro CER in Mexico City. Regina is a systemic psychol- ogist with a Bachelor’s from the Universidad Iberoamericana, a Mas- ter’s degree in Family
two decades of educational expertise. As an international conference speaker and contributor to academic journals, Augusto’s journey from EAL/ELT to careers and university guidance will help inform Baret Scholars through the com- plex landscape of university admissions. Augusto has helped hundreds of students
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