February 2025 Oracle

The four teams participating in the Internal Team Tennis League.

The ORPS Tennis Community welcomed the New Year enthusiastically by supporting and participating in all the organized events and tennis teams! A great turnout of players enjoyed the Fritters and Fun day. Next Fritters & Fun day is on February 1. Fritters and Fun “ Random Draw Winners ”

Farmer Charmers

A big thank you to Diana St. Clair, Nancy Chase, and Bill and Cindy Grannary, and all their helpers for hosting the Buck - a - Roos Mixer! Good grub, friendly folks and some wild west tennis!

Alley Oops

There is no shortage of great organized tennis to play and/or watch as the internal and external league teams compete on the courts. Check the Tennis Calendar for days and times of games.

Team ORPS Men ’ s 3.5 Desert League Team

Unstrung Heroes

ORPS Women ’ s Super Senior 7.0 USTA

Tennis Menace Vicki Condon — Tennis Communications




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