
Road exchange request has a few “potholes”  gŏđŏ

his report, “it would be wise not to take over any roads. The department sees no advan- tage to the counties to take over any of the requested roads. On a short-term and long- term basis, it would be a major additional financial burden for the counties.” Hawkesbury proposed that the coun- ties take over responsibility for McGill Street, Chenail Boulevard, John Street, Tup- per Street, and Main East Street located between John and Tupper Streets. There are no actual county roads within that munici- pality’s boundaries. The 4.7 kilometres of County Road 17 running past Hawkesbury is on the town’s southern boundary while County Road 4 is an extension of both ends of Main Street and serves as the access route. Clermont’s report noted that the Main East Street route does not meet the condi- tions for county road status and taking res- ponsibility for all the roads in the request proposal also represents“a major additional financial burden” for the counties in both the short and the long term. The subject may come up for further dis- cussion at the counties council during its June committee of the whole session. the eastern region of the province. The 103 municipalities which comprise Eastern On- tario would have to spend between $500 million and $600 million a year to maintain all of that existing infrastructure while im- provements and upgrades would require add more than $3.7 billion to the combined municipal debt load of the region. Another resolution calls for restoration of the Connecting Link program which was cancelled last year. The provincial program provided funding aid for maintenance and repairs to municipal bridges located as part of a provincial highway or major secondary route. Now municipalities are responsible for the full cost of keeping these bridges in good condition. The last resolution demands the federal government amend the Building Canada Fund guidelines so that municipal roads and bridges are eligible for funding sup- port.


L’ORIGNAL | Neither Hawkesbury nor Clar- ence-Rockland are getting a rousing re- sponse for their road exchange proposals with the counties. Marc Clermont, public works director for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR), presented the counties council du- ring a recent meeting with a report detai- ling the pros and cons of both municipali- ties’ road exchange requests. The report featured more cons than pros. Clarence-Rockland’s proposal called for an exchange of Canaan Road, Baseline Road and part of Old Highway 17, which are under the city’s jurisdiction, for the St-Jean Street portion of County Road 21. Clermont noted that the sole trade his department might consider would be Baseline Road between Landry Street and Canaan Road. “However, until the final environmental study report from the Class EA study for the 17/174 (upgrade) is adopted,” he stated in L’ORIGNAL | While the provincial election ca m paign is in full-swing, policy- m aking slows down at Queens Park until voters decide on June 12 which party will for m the next govern m ent. Meanwhile local politicians in both Prescott-Russell and elsewhere have their wish lists for the next provincial cabinet and m uch of it concerns infrastructure. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) council is throwing its support behind three resolutions from Hastings County council to press both senior levels of government for continued support of in- frastructure aid at the local level. One resolution calls for a permanent pro- vincial infrastructure fund for small and ru- ral municipalities in Ontario. The resolution is based on a white paper study from the Eastern Ontario Wardens Caucus (EOWC) which noted that 40 per cent of all munici- pal infrastructure in Ontario is located in

Counties election wish list



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