ART in our schools
ALL ⚛ Fairy Golf: Build and Play Mini Mini-Golf Saturday, May 10 at 2 pm Design and build a mini-golf hole for our library- wide fairy golf course! Pick up kits to create at home or at the library. ADULTS R Securing Your Retirement: Social Security Wednesday, March 12 at 5:30 pm Learn how to maximize Social Security benefits with Certified Planner Matthew O’Keefe. Attend in-person or via Zoom. R FREE US Coast Guard (USCG) Boater’s Safety Certification Course Saturdays, April 5 (Part 1) and April 12 (Part 2) at 10 am This two-day boating safety course, required by Maryland law for operators born after July 1, 1972, will help you become a better and safer boater . Presenter: USCG Auxiliary Herring Bay Herbs in Disguise Saturday, April 26 at 2 pm Discover the surprising beauty, origins and herbal uses of weeds with Maryland State Library Resource Center Librarian Eva Slezak.
TEENS R Teen Paint-Along Wednesday, April 16 at 4 pm
Channel your inner Bob Ross and follow along as we make a beautiful painting. Materials provided.
R May Day: Make a Flower Crown Thursday, May 1 at 6 pm
Learn about the history of May Day while we choose beautiful blooms to make floral crowns. KIDS R ⚛ Spring is a Hoot! Story Hike and Wildlife Encounter Saturday, March 29 at 1 pm Join us at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center for a special storytime! Learn about owls, meet an ambassador and hike 1.3 miles. ⚛ Throw and Sow: Making Seed Balls Wednesday, April 2 at 5:30 pm Use natural materials to make seed balls. Throw seed balls in your garden and watch beautiful flowers bloom! PRESCHOOL Preschool Nature Process Art Monday, May 5 at 10:30 am Be creative with natural materials. Dress for mess! Weather permitting, event will be outside. Kindergarten Readiness Babies in Bloom Thursdays at 10:30 am Saturdays, March 8, April 5 and May 3 at 10:30 am Toddler Time Tuesdays at 10:30 am Preschool Storytime Wednesdays at 10:30 am Family Storytime Mondays as listed below at 5:30 pm March 17: Bedtime Stories for Spring Chickens April 21: Bedtime Stories: Royal Tales and Dragon Scales May 19: Bedtime Stories for Little Dinosaurs
ART IN OUR SCHOOLS is a celebration of the visual arts to encourage support for quality art programs in Anne Arundel County public schools. Each library* will showcase a unique student exhibition, featuring selected pieces from neighboring public school students in pre-K through grade five. EXHIBITS February 28 – April 2 All libraries* will host community open houses. Stop by to view the students’ artwork and meet the featured artists. OPEN HOUSES Thursday, March 6 from 5 to 6 pm *The Odenton Library will be closed for renovations during the month of March and will not be able to participate this year.
ALL R Jigsaw Puzzle Competition Saturday, April 26 at 1:30 pm Teams of up to six players compete in a jigsaw puzzle contest! Complete a 500-piece puzzle in two hours. Prizes for the winning team. ADULTS Cardio Drumming For Fun and Fitness Thursdays, March 6 and 20, April 10 and 24 and May 8 and 22 at 11:30 am Stand or sit for this program where we will tap, stretch and move to music while drumming on large fitness balls. R Cookbook Club Pick a recipe based on the monthly theme, cook at home and share! Call the branch for details.
Kindergarten Readiness Babies in Bloom chemistry of glaciers. Spring Crafternoon Monday, April 14 at 2 pm Celebrate spring with fun crafts and a scavenger hunt! TEENS Teen Hangout Mondays, March 10 and 24, April 7 and 21 and May 5 and 19 at 4 pm Drop in for video games, crafts, snacks and more every other Monday afternoon. KIDS St. Patrick’s Day Party Saturday, March 8 at 2 pm Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with fun crafts and a scavenger hunt. R ⚛ Glaciers: Hot Topic, Cool Chemistry! Saturday, March 29 at 11 am For second to twelfth graders Join Dr. Rose Pesce-Rodriguez from the American Chemical Society for a hands-on program on the
Wednesday, March 12 at 6 pm : Fruit : Wednesday, April 9 at 6 pm : Italian
⚛ Art Outside: Make a Sun Print Saturday, May 24 at 10:30 am
Earth Day Terrariums Wednesday, April 2 at 6 pm
Wednesdays at 10 am Toddler Time Thursdays at 10 am Preschool Storytime Tuesdays at 10 am
Learn the science behind cyanotype and make your own sun print art with light-sensitive paper and natural materials. In the event of inclement weather, an alternate date will be scheduled.
Create a terrarium from recycled glass containers. Supplies provided (while they last). Bring your own vessel and objects, if desired!
March, April and May 2025
8 R Registration is required and begins two weeks before the program at aacpl.net/events . ⚛ STEAM Program. See page 2 for details.
Library Happenings
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