PANEL DISCUSSIONS with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland and Dr. Charles L. Feinberg
Q . Lakewood, Calif. — “What is a good Bible quotation to give a spiritualist proving that his belief is incomplete or wrong f ” A. Unfortunately, spiritism is on the increase. One of the best passages is I John 4 :1-4. For the spiritist him self, consider' Deuteronomy 18:1-18. This has a certain dispensational aspect but carries an application far beyond Moses’ age. God wants us to have absolutely nothing to do with consulting the dead or spirits which have gone on. Deuteronomy 29:29 is one of the grandest passages in the Bible. It tells us that the hidden things belong unto the Lord our God. Do not look outside of the Bible or you will be brought to confusion. God’s Book is the only authoritative source of this life or of the life be yond. Q . Downey, Calif., Walla Walla, and Brem erton, Wash. — “We miss Dr. Talbot on the radio. Can you tell us what he is doing and how is he feeling?” A. Be assured that we miss him, too. He has not been feeling well enough to carry on any regular schedule, espe cially concerning the exacting physi cal and mental requirements of a radio broadcast. The doctors have told him not to take any more speaking en gagements. He is enjoying a much de served rest after so many wonderful years of fruitful ministry for Christ.
Whenever his health permits, he joins us here on the Biola Campus. You may be sure that it is always a won derful blessing for us to have him here in our midst. We would urge all of our friends to be faithful in praying for him. We would not have our exten sive radio ministry today were it not for the foresight and inspired leader ship of dear Dr. Talbot. Q . Studio City, Calif. — “I ’m interested in a phrase which goes, ‘Did you re ceive the Holy Ghost when you be lieved.’ What do you preach in con nection with Matthew 7:21, Jude 18 and 19?” A. These verses are not related so we will take them in order. The first quotation is from the 19th chapter of Acts. The Bible does not say that these were “believers” but rather were “disciples” or “followers.” They were actually what we might call learners. The people had been baptized into John’s baptism. Hearing of the bap tism of Christ, they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus. When Paul laid his hands on them the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spake with tongues and prophesied. There were about 12 men. Some people think this is a principle to be applied today. It was an unusual, exceptional case, however, in the first century. Here were those who had heard the testi mony of John the Baptist. They knew nothing further. They were not really 24
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