A. This is found in Revelation 2:6 and 15. No one really knows what their doctrine was. Some believe that the word represented those w ho sought to “lord it over” the laity in a manner unfitting to a servant of Christ. Others believe that it referred to a group of people who felt Chris tians were free to eat things offered to idols, as well as to commit all man ner of excesses which characterized the heathen of that particular era. There are some who hold that the sect was started by Nicolas, one of the first of seven deacons referred to in the book of the Acts, who supposedly fell into immorality, justifying it on the part of his followers. In any case it was a despicable union with the world and the church. No wonder the Lord hated it and commended the church at Ephesus for not having any thing to do with its practice. Q . Pomona, Calif. — “Since the Jews no longer have the brazen altar where the sacrifices for sin were offered, and since they did not accept Christ as their sacrifice, where do they now offer sacrifices?” A. They do not have any place today at all. There are prayers which the devout Jew offers which are supposed to take the place of these offerings. This, however, is ‘not God’s order. Read Hebrews 9:22, “Without the shedding of blood there is no remis sion.” Now that the perfect sacrifice has been offered, we have an eternal atonement before the Father. Q. Santa Monica, Calif. -— “In Hebrews 5:7 we read about Jesus that He was heard in that He feared. Why and what did the Lord fear?" A. Never take just a few words, or even an entire verse out of its Scrip tural context or you will find problems and confusion. The word “fear” in this portion, as well as in other ref erences of the Bible, speaks of rever ential awe. It does not represent the word we use when we talk of someone being afraid. It is reverential trust which the Spirit of God is suggesting. 27
be no sickness. This perfect state will prevail in heaven but Scripture never tells us that a particular sickness is due to a specific sin. Sometimes this is true but certainly not in every case. Death is a result of sin (Rom. 8 : 12 ) . Q. Santa Cruz, Calif. — “You said that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was of the tribe of Judah. The Bible tells us that she was a cousin of Elizabeth, the mother of John. Elizabeth was a descendant of Aaron, of the tribe of Levi. How then could Mary be of the tribe of Judah?” A. It is true that Mary was from Ju dah, the kingly tribe. This gave our Lord Jesus a natural right to the Davidic throne. He had a legal right to the throne through Joseph, his legal, adopted father. Elizabeth was a descendant of Aaron from the tribe of Levi. Remember that one has cou sins on both sides of his family. In Christ’s case, not all of the family needed to be of the tribe of Judah. His cousin came therefore from Levi. There is no discrepancy in the ac count. Q . Fullerton, Calif. — “What was the doctrine of the Nicolaitans?"
After twenty years of faithful service for the Lord, Miss Doris Wetzler has announced her leaving Biola for marriage to Mr. Sylvester Marshburn (left) of Redlands, Calif. Dr. Ray A. Myers, Biola Board chairman, presents them with a special cake In honor of the forthcoming event. Miss Wetzler has served as administrative assistant and secretary to Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola president.
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