Board Converting News, September 18, 2023

P+PB State of the Campaign Report Highlights Sustainability Messaging The Paper and Packaging Board’s (P+PB) announced the release of its 9th annual State of the Campaign report de- tailing the positive impact of its sustainability campaign on the paper and packaging industry’s reputation and con- sumer preference. The national consumer campaign addresses consum- ers’ concerns about the use of forests to make products, showcases product innovations and plastic substitutions, educates why using paper products is a smart choice for the environment and reminds how to recycle properly. “The campaign is making an impact with consumers,” says Mary Anne Hansan, P+PB President. “Learning the facts about the paper industry’s sus- tainability practices and product benefits dramatically im- proves whether our core audience sees the industry as part of the environmental solution or problem. “After hearing our messaging, consumers’ perceptions of our industry tend to increase based on our Attitudes and Usage Tracking Survey.

and paper-based product packaging and humorously correcting her intern and neighbors about the proper ways to recycle, all the while showcasing the industry’s vast array of products. • Pack It! The Packaging Recycling Design Challenge where contestants compete to design recyclable prod- uct packaging from the ground up in 10 hours to win a $5,000 prize. • Recycling influencers who show consumers how to be- come “super recyclers.” • The Box to Nature residential recycling labeling initia- tive which includes a persuasive recycling reminder that brands can use on boxes. “The consumer campaign provides a steady drumbeat of information and education about our forest practices, recycling ethos and product innovations that advance the reputation of our industry and preference for paper,” said Hansan. She shares more details in her monthly Sustainable Thoughts blog. For more information, visit howlifeunfolds. com . AICC Accepting Applications For Continuous Improvement Group AICC announced that it is accepting applications for the Continuous Improvement Leadership Group, designed to provide a dynamic platform for managers across various departments to come together, collaborate, and enhance their skills. This initiative aims to facilitate mutual growth, personal development, and the continuous improvement of member companies’ success and productivity. The Continuous Improvement Leadership Group is open to managers from all member companies. The group’s core values are fostering mutual trust, sharing best practices, and encouraging respectful disagreement to drive each member’s success and career development. “In the modern business landscape, managers face challenges that transcend departmental boundaries. Our Continuous Improvement Leadership Group offers a unique opportunity for professionals to evolve from be- ing mere ‘Compliance Sheriffs’ to proactive problem pre- venters,” said Taryn Pyle, Director of Education & Leader- ship Development at AICC. “No matter the department, the ultimate goal is shared – personal growth and team success.” The group holds nine online meetings annually, cover- ing leadership and process improvement topics, member progress reports, and best practice sharing, and one des- tination meeting, featuring a visit to exemplary manufac- turing facilities and presentations by topical experts. The group also benefits from facilitator coaching throughout the year. Process Improvement, Quality, HR, and Administration Managers are encouraged to apply. Learn more at www. .

“When people feel like they are part of the environmen- tal solution by choosing paper products, their likelihood of consuming more paper and packaging increases.” Jonathan Kraft, P+PB Board Chair and President of The Kraft Group, said they are seeing more positive percep- tions of the industry and customer brands are looking to re-engineer with paper. “What we’ve achieved by speaking in one voice as in- dustry is living proof that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” he said. Campaign advertising and other materials can be seen on streaming, traditional and cable TV, paid digital chan- nels, magazines, podcasts, social media, and the cam- paign’s HowLifeUnfolds website. The report showcases the P+PB’s most recent work: • The Go Papertarian! initiative with comedian and ac- tress Retta getting consumers to think about what a product is packaged in before or at the point of pur- chase. Retta is seen at work, home and even the gro- cery store pointing out the sustainable virtues of paper


September 18, 2023

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