2309_DB_Your career with us

Our incentives

Our Group incentives are designed to motivate you to perform at your absolute best, because we believe in rewarding those who go the extra mile.

Annual Thrive trips Just in the past year, we've sent our top performers to Tokyo, San Sebastian, Nashville and Vietnam.

High Performers incentive At the end of each quarter, we arrange a fun-filled activity for the top performers in each office.

Annual Awards

Each year, we hold an annual awards ceremony with amazing individual and team prizes.

All Stars

Ops Team Phases

125 Incentive

Twice a year, prizes are awarded to the "most improved" and "highest scoring" teams, who win a team event of their choice.

Each month, we award standout colleagues for living and breathing our values.

Each quarter, we reward teams who are going above and beyond. Winning teams will celebrate together on a fun team activity!

Next stop: Mauritius!

Check out 2023s Tokyo trip here.

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