Get Help Guide 2025 FINAL_web




TABLE OF CONTENTS ABUSE.......................................................... 4 ADDICTIONS................................................ 4 AIDS/HIV....................................................... 5 CHILD CARE ASSISTANCE......................... 5 CHILD & YOUTH SERVICES....................... 6 CONSUMER PROTECTION........................6 CRISIS INTERVENTION..............................7 DISASTER RELIEF......................................7 EMERGENCY SHELTER.............................. 8 EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING....................... 8 FAMILY CAREGIVER EDUCATION............. 9 FARMERS MARKETS..................................9 FARMERS’ RESOURCES............................ 9 FINANCIAL/BUDGETING COUNSELING............................................ 10 FOOD ASSISTANCE.................................. 10 HEALTH SERVICES...................................12 HOME PURCHASE ASSISTANCE............. 14 HOUSING ASSISTANCE............................ 14 IMMIGRANT/REFUGEE SERVICES..........15 IN-HOME CARE & RESPITE......................16 JAIL TRANSITION...................................... 16 LANDLORD/TENANT................................. 17 LEGAL ASSISTANCE................................. 17 LITERACY. ................................................. 18 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES.................... 18 PARENTING............................................... 18 PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES....................19 PERSONAL NEEDS/HOUSEHOLD........... 21 PREGNANCY SERVICES.......................... 22 PRESCRIPTION ASSISTANCE.................. 23 RUNAWAYS................................................ 23 SENIOR SERVICES...................................23 SEXUAL ASSAULT..................................... 24 SUICIDE PREVENTION.............................25 SUPPORT GROUPS.................................. 25 TRANSPORTATION. .................................. 26 UTILITY AND ENERGY ASSISTANCE....... 27 VETERAN SERVICES................................28 TO LEARN MORE ABOUT RESOURCES AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA, PLEASE CONTACT UNITED WAY’S 211 ANYTIME, DAY OR NIGHT.


ABUSE (ADULTS AND CHILDREN) Adult Protective Services (715) 841-5160 (855) 487-3338 Toll Free APS investigates concerns of adults at risk including elder abuse and vulnerable adults, through North Central Health Care. This includes reports of suspected abuse or neglect, self-neglect, and financial ex - ploitation. Child Advocacy Center of North Central Wisconsin (715) 848-8600 Child-focused location that pro- vides comprehensive services in the form of forensic interviews, advocacy services, and coor- dination of specialized medical exams. Human Trafficking Hotline ( 888) 373-7888 Connects victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking with services and supports to get help and stay safe. Operates 24 hours/day. Juvenile & Sensitive Crimes Unit - Marathon County Sheriff's Department (715) 261-1200, or 9-1-1 (Emergencies only) Call to report child abuse/ne- glect, elder abuse, sexual assaults, domestic violence, juvenile offenses, truancy and other crimes of a sensitive nature involving individuals of any age.

Marathon County Protective Services (715) 261-7556 Receives and responds to re- ports of alleged maltreatment of children. Also takes reports re- garding sex trafficking of a child. The Women's Community (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24-hour support line) (888) 665-1234 (Toll-free) Provides individual supportive advocacy, support groups, legal advocacy, criminal justice sup- port, assistance in restraining orders, assistance with finding safe and affordable housing, bilingual services, and emergen- cy shelter for victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, stalking, and human trafficking, and their children. Serves all gen ders and ages. ADDICTIONS Al-Anon/Alateen (888) 425-2666 Group meetings help families and friends of alcoholics recov- er from the effects of living with a relative's or friend's problem drinking. Alateen specifically targets youth whose lives have been affected by alcoholism in a family member or close friend. Alcoholics Anonymous (715) 503-0880 AA Hotline Provides group meetings for those struggling with an alcohol addiction. Both open and closed meetings are available.

ATTIC Correctional Services Center (715) 848-3202 Ext. 202 Department of Correction's AODA and corrective thinking treatment center for those who are incarcerated, on probation, or on parole. Also provides alco- hol and drug outpatient services through ACS Clinical Services. Celebrate Recovery Provides a Christian-based 12 step program to help individu- als overcome drug and alcohol addiction, through several local churches. Crisis Intervention (715) 845-4326 (800) 799-0122 Toll Free sis-services/ Provides crisis intervention ser- vices 24 hours/day, 7 days/week to those with substance abuse issues. Courage to Change Recovery (715) 223-0480 Offers adult, adolescent and family AODA treatment, in Ab- botsford. Gamblers Anonymous (715) 297-5317 ga Meets to provide self-help and support for individuals looking to overcome gambling.


LifePoint Syringe and Narcan Access (800) 359-9272 and Fentanyl test strips. Narcotics Anonymous North Central Wisconsin 920-232-9615 Offers recovery from the effects of drug addiction through work- ing a 12-step program. Call or check website for current infor- mation about local meeting times and places. Outpatient Substance Abuse & Addiction Services (715) 848-4356 (Registration) (715) 845-4326 (Hotline) Provides free sterile syringes, Narcan training and distribution, Provides outpatient treatment for substance abuse and addictions, through North Central Health Care. Group, family, or individ- ual programs are offered for all ages. Overeaters Anonymous (715) 212-0413 Support group for adults who have an addiction to food and want to stop the problem. Smart Recovery (440) 951-5357 Helps people recover from all types of addictive or self-destruc- tive behaviors including: alcohol- ism, drug abuse, and addiction to other substances and activities.

Wausau V.A. Community Based Outpatient Clinic (800) 872-8662 (Tomah for in- take and referral) Offers individual AODA and men - tal health counseling for veterans only, at the Wausau V. A. Medi- cal Clinic. Wausau Comprehensive Treatment Center (888) 650-5781 Provides methadone main- tenance, subutex, Vivitrol, or suboxone treatment for opiate addictions. Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line (800) 784-8669 (English) Free telephone counseling for Wisconsin tobacco users who want to quit. AIDS/HIV Healthfirst Network (800) 246-5743 Offers HIV information and test - ing. Needle Exchange Program LifePoint Syringe (800) 359-9272 vention-testing/needle-ex - change-narcan/ Program to prevent HIV infection and AIDS in injection drug users by providing clean needles or syringes in exchange for used ones. Program includes HIV prevention education, overdose training, and testing through Vivent Health.

AIDS/HIV Services (Formerly AIDS Resource Center of WI) (715) 355-6867 Provides services for people with or affected by HIV/AIDS such as case management, support group, food pantry, and educa- tion and prevention services. CHILD CARE ASSISTANCE Child Care Resource & Referral Services for Parents (715) 841-9490 - care/ Helps parents choose regulated child care that will meet their families' needs, and in some cases can provide financial as - sistance for child care. Marathon County Department of Social Services (888) 445-1621 (to apply by phone) (715) 261-7500 (Social Services) Provides childcare financial assistance for eligible families in Marathon County that are in work or work-related activities. Young Star Website star Regulated child care providers are evaluated by the Dept. of Children and Families based on their education, health and well-being practices. Parents can also search for providers in their area.


CHILD & YOUTH SERVICES 4-H (715) 261-1230 https://marathon.extension.wisc. edu/4h/ Leadership and educational ac- tivities for youth, through UW-Ex - tension. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northcentral Wisconsin (715) 848-7207 (Wausau) Adult/child mentoring program for children that need a positive adult role model. Mentoring can take place at school or in the community. Boy Scouts of America Samoset Council (715) 355-1450 Provides citizenship and char- acter building activities, physical fitness, and leadership training for youth ages 7-20. Boys & Girls Club of Offers programs in Good Char - acter and Leadership, Healthy Lifestyles, Academic Success, and Workforce Development for grades 3-12. Services offered in Wausau, at the Greenheck Field House, and D. C. Everest Middle School. Wausau Area (715) 845-2582 Crisis Text Crisis Line 741741 – Text Short Code 920-475-4748 Text-based emotional support line available 24/7 for any type of challenge or struggle.

Generation 180 Program (715) 842-5683 Program provides large and small group activity, hang-time, games, and other activities for students in grades 6-12 at High- land Community Church. Girl Scouts of the North- western Great Lakes Organization for girls to develop courage, confidence, and char - acter. Greenheck Turner Community Center (715) 359-6563 Ext. 1 Offers a variety of recreational opportunities for all ages. Spencer Kids Group (715) 659-4969 kids-group/ (888) 747-6945 Provides supervised activities, homework help, and a meal for students in the Spencer area. Wausau and Marathon County Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department (715) 261-1550 about-us/departments/parks-rec- reation-forestry Provides parks, recreational activities, sports programs for youth, and educational programs for all ages.

Woodson YMCA (715) 845-2177 Wausau YMCA (715) 841-1850 Aspirus YMCA (Weston) Offers exercise and aquatic programs that help youth build a healthy spirit, mind and body. Financial assistance and schol- arships are available. CONSUMER PROTECTION Better Business Bureau Serving Wisconsin (800) 273-1002 Processes complaints against, and provides information for, companies and charities nation- wide. Consumer Protection Hotline (800) 422-7128 State consumer protection agency handles consumers’ and businesses’ questions and com- plaints regarding unfair business practices. Do Not Call List/ Wisconsin Do Not Call Registry (888) 382-1222 (National) Note: Wisconsin is now using the federal Do Not Call list. Num- bers registered on the former Wisconsin No Call List have been transferred to the federal list.


CRISIS INTERVENTION NOTE: In a police, fire or medical emergency, call 9-1-1. Crisis Line (715) 845-4326 or (800) 799- 0122 24 hours/day Suicide and crisis intervention, a mobile crisis team, and con- fidential telephone counseling, through North Central Health Care. Crisis Text Line 741741 – Text Short Code Text-based emotional support line available 24/7 for any type of Program that permits people who are elderly or disabled to summon help 24 hours/day, by pushing a button on a wristband. The Women's Community (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24-hour support line) (888) 665-1234 (Toll-free) Emergency shelter and crisis intervention for victims of domes- tic abuse, sexual assault, human trafficking, stalking, and their chil - dren. Support groups, advocacy, and other specialized services are provided. challenge or struggle. Lifeline Personal Emergency Response (715) 847-2781(Aspirus)

Trans Lifeline (877) 565-8860

Catholic Charities Disaster Relief Funds

(608) 782-0710

Provides 24/7 peer counseling and support for transgender people experiencing a crisis and/ or struggling with their gender identity. Trevor Lifeline (866) 488-7386 or Text “START” to 678-678 Operates a 24-hour crisis and suicide prevention helpline for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgen - der, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. Veterans Crisis Line (800) 273-8255 ext. 1, or 838255 (Text) Connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with confidential support 24 hours/ day. DISASTER RELIEF American Red Cross (877) 618-6628 Provides disaster relief in the form of emergency shelter, clothing, food, and other immedi- ate disaster-related emergency needs for individuals affected by fire, tornado, flood, or any natural or man-made disaster event.

Provides assistance with food vouchers, clothing vouchers, insurance deductibles, temporary housing and relocation expenses for individuals affected by fire, tornado, flood, or any natural disaster event. Marathon County Farm Service Agency (715) 848-2330 Farm Disaster Assistance pro- grams provide financial assis - tance to producers of non-in- surable crops when low yields, loss of inventory, or prevented planting occurs due to natural disasters. Marathon County Office of Emergency Management (715) 261-1229 about-us/departments/emergen- cy-management Coordinates emergency pre- paredness and disaster recovery operations for County govern- ment. The Salvation Army (715) 845-4272 (715) 845-6583 (After-hours hotline) Provides material assistance of food, clothing and shelter to eligi- ble individuals in an emergency or in a disaster situation.


EMERGENCY SHELTER Good Shepherd Shelter (715) 849-3311 (Catholic Chari- ties) Overnight for adults age 18 and older who do not have a place to stay. Crisis Stabilization (715) 845-4326 or (800) 799- 0122 North Central Health Care offers a short-term, non-medical crisis stabilization program that provides one-on-one support 24 hours/day. A youth crisis program is available for adoles- cents. The Salvation Army Transitional Living Center (715) 845-6583 Community shelter and support for local homeless families. Of- fers case management, employ- ment assistance, and computer training. Women's Community Safe Shelter (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24-hour support line) Emergency shelter for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, human trafficking, stalking, and their children. Support groups, advocacy, and other specialized services provided. Serves all genders and ages.

EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING Career Connection Area

Job Corps Admissions and Placement (800) 733-5627 Offers vocational training and guidance, and job placement assistance, for qualifying 16 to 24-year-olds. Labor Standards Bureau, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (608) 266-6860 (Madison) Administers Wisconsin rules on minimum wage, overtime pay, breaks, and minor employment. NCCAP AmeriCorps Team Greater Wausau Area (715) 849-5212 Participants work for a year in local agencies and schools to address human service needs. North Central Health Care Vocational Services Community Services (715) 848-4519 Helps people with mental, cognitive, learning, and physical disabilities enter the labor force, and provides follow-up. Senior Training & A "stepping stone" program to help income-eligible seniors age 55 and older gain employment. Unemployment Insurance (414) 435-7069 (Claim Special- ist) Provides payments, based on work, to eligible workers who are temporarily unemployed. Employment (920) 593-3557

(715) 261-7230

Offers resources for job seekers which include dedicated job com- puters, job/career books and A/V items for check-out, free comput- er classes, and reference assis- tance at the Marathon County

Public Library in Wausau. College Prep Center (715) 803-1152

Offers basic education and job seeking skills instruction for adult learners to help them obtain or retain a job, at NTC. FoodShare Employment & Training Program Employment and training pro- gram for FoodShare recipients helps people gain access to employment by increasing skills, overcoming barriers, and receiv- ing supportive services. Job Center of Wisconsin (715) 261-8700 Provides the following employ- ment services: *Job search assistance (715) 203-0834 *Job skills training *Dislocated Worker *Division of Vocational Rehabili- tation (DVR) *WIOA Youth Employment & Training *WIOA Workforce Innovation & Opportunity *Assist employers recruit quali- fied applicants


Wage/Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor (866) 487-9243 Enforces federal minimum wages, overtime and child labor laws. Wisconsin Works Program (W-2) (855) 733-1311 (Forward Service Corp) Offers employment services and training to help eligible residents get and keep employment while earning monthly payments based on program participation. Workers Compensation (608) 266-1340 (Madison) Provides payment of reasonable medical expenses and compen - sation for lost wages resulting from work-related injuries or disabilities. FAMILY CAREGIVER EDUCATION Alzheimer’s Association of Wisconsin (800) 272-3900 (24 Hour Ho- tline) Provides educational and sup- portive resources aimed at meeting the needs of families involved in the care of someone with Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias. Services include advocacy, public aware- ness and understanding, support groups, and a 24-hour hotline for people in need of support related to Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Powerful Tools for Caregivers (888) 486-9545 Educational workshops designed to help family caregivers learn how to reduce feelings of stress, balance lives, make difficult decisions, and communicate effectively, through the Aging & Disability Resource Center. FARMERS MARKETS NOTE: To learn about Farmer’s Markets in Marathon County, call United Way's 211. Dial 211 or (715) 848-2255 or toll-free (800) 922-5590 Email Search online at: www.united- Text 898211 Monday-Friday 8am-4pm Chat with a specialist Mon- day-Friday 8am-12 Noon. FARMERS’ RESOURCES Farmland Preservation Program (715) 261-6000 about-us/departments/conserva- tion-planning-and-zoning Offers incentives to local land - owners and farmers who par- ticipate in programs to preserve farmland, through the Marathon County Conservation, Planning & Zoning Department. Hazardous Waste Program (715) 446-3101 www.marathoncountysolidwaste. org Disposes of agriculture-related chemicals. Call this number to pre-register with the Marathon County Solid Waste Department.

Marathon County Farm Service Agency (FSA) (715) 848-2330 Offers agricultural credit to farm - ers, including emergency loans, farm ownership loans, and farm operating loans. UW-Madison Extension, Marathon County (715) 261-1230 County Agents offer programs in farm and business management, genetics, using sustainable prac- tices, and provide information to help farmers use cover crops to improve production systems and minimize soil loss. Wisconsin Farm Center (800) 942-2474 Provides free financial planning, as well as mediation to resolve farming-related disputes for farmers, through the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture. Wisconsin Farm Center Counseling Voucher Program (800) 942-2474 Makes cost-free, confidential behavioral health counseling available to Wisconsin farm families and farm workers expe - riencing stressful times, through local mental health providers in collaboration with the Wisconsin Farm Center. Wisconsin Housing & Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) (800) 334-6873 Agricultural Financing Programs include loans to help farmers who want to start, expand, or modernize their operations.


FINANCIAL/BUDGETING COUNSELING Catholic Charities – Saint Lawrence Community Services (715) 849-3311 or (866) 849- 3311 Families and individuals receive an evaluation of their financial situation, develop a plan, and participate in counseling. FamilyMeans Financial Solutions (800) 780-2890 Free budget and debt counseling to those who need help with debt repayment, relief from financial stress, and money management skills. Goodwill Industries Financial and Debt Solution Services (800) 366-8161 Provides money management services including basic budget- ing, financial coaching, credit counseling, and student loan debt counseling. Getting Ahead (715) 298-3028 ting-ahead-program Program aims to help people move out of poverty, achieve self-sufficiency, and improve financial security through an 18 week program at St. Vincent de Paul.

Greenpath Financial Counseling (800) 550-1961

Community Center of Hope Food Pantry (715) 907-2576 Community food pantry for southern Marathon County resi- dents in need. Distributes Tues- day 2:30-4:30pm; and Thursday 9-11am. Covenant Food Pantry (715) 359-6467 Provides emergency food for area families in need. Distributes the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 3-5pm, at the Covenant Community Presbyte- rian Church in Schofield. Edgar Circle of Joy Food Pantry (715) 352-2532 or (715) 432- 3044 Offers emergency food for res - idents in Edgar and Marathon City areas, the 1st Wednesday of the month 9-11am and 3rd Wednesday from 2-4pm, at Ed- gar Village Hall. First Presbyterian Church Food Pantry (715) 842-2116 Church volunteers distribute food on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of

Offers free financial and budget counseling. Other services in- clude student loan, housing, and bankruptcy counseling and may have a fee. Student Loan HelpLine (833) 589-0750 Free, confidential resource for borrower questions related to their student loans, through the Wisconsin Coalition on Student Debt. FOOD ASSISTANCE Athens Circle of Joy Food Pantry (715) 257-9274 Provides food for residents of Athens School District. Distrib- utes the 2nd and 4th Sunday 12:30-2pm at St. Anthony’s Cath- olic Church. Café 60 (888) 486-9545 vices/meals-for-seniors/cafe-60/ Provides elderly residents in rural Marathon County with meal coupons to use in local partici- pating restaurants that will help meet their nutritional needs, through the Aging & Disability Resource Center. Community Action Partnership (CAP) (715) 241-7335 ext. 3 Distributes both fresh and non-perishable food 1st and 3rd Friday 2-4pm at Ministry of Christ Community Church.

the month,1-2pm. Jubilee House (715) 848-6120

A Catholic Worker House that serves a community meal in Wausau every Thursday 4:30- 6pm at St. Matthew Parish.


Marathon County Economic Support (888) 445-1621 or (715) 261- 7500 (call or log on to apply, or apply in person at Marathon County Social Services). FoodShare/ Food Stamps for all eligible Mar- athon County residents. Meals on Wheels (888) 486-9545 vices/meals-for-seniors/meals- on-wheels/ Provides home-delivered meals for senior citizens who are confined to their homes, through the Aging & Disability Resource Center. Mosinee Circle of Joy (715) 693-2811 or (715) 693- 1591 Food assistance provided to Mosinee and Kronenwetter area residents in need, by appoint- ment only. Saint Agnes Food Pantry (715) 359-5675 (Church office) Community food pantry for area residents who are in emergency need of food, 2nd Tuesday of the month 3-5pm. Saint Florian's Food Pantry Food pantry for anyone in emer- gency need of food in Hatley, 3rd Friday of the month 9am-Noon. Saint Paul’s Food Distribution (715) 842-3733 (Church office) Food distribution for people in need, while supplies last, on Thursdays 9am-Noon. (715) 446-3085

Spencer C.O.M.E. Community Outreach Meal for Everyone (715) 659-5158 Free hot meal is served the 4th Tuesday of the month 5-6pm, at St. John's Lutheran Church in Spencer. Open to all. Stratford Area Pantry (715) 687-4254 Community pantry for people in the Stratford area who have emergency food needs /Tuesday 9-11am, Wednesday 5-7pm at Zion Lutheran Church. Summer Food Program (715) 241-9700 ext. 2407 D.C. Everest School District provides breakfast and lunch to children age 18 and younger during the summer months. Summer Food Service Program (715) 261-0809 Wausau School District provides breakfast and lunch meals to those 18 and under at several school locations during summer session. Summer Meal Program The Boys and Girls Club in Wausau provides breakfast and lunch during the summer, Monday-Friday, for anyone age birth to 18 years old. Breakfast is served at 7:30am, lunch served at Noon. (715) 845-2582

Sunday Community Supper (715) 842-2116 (leave message) Volunteers from area churches serve a Sunday evening meal for community members 4-5pm, at First United Methodist Church. The Neighbors' Place Market (715) 845-1966 Distributes donated and gov- ernment commodity foods in Wausau Monday-Thursday by appointment only. The Salvation Army (715) 845-4272 Free Hot Lunches available for everyone on a walk-in ba- sis Monday-Friday 11:30am- 12:30pm (except holidays); Bread and Produce Distribution occurs each Monday-Thurs- day10:30am-3pm, Friday 10:30am-1pm.. Food Pantry is open Monday and Thursday 10:30am-2:30pm. Vivent Health (formally AIDS Resource Center of Wiscon- sin) (715) 355-6867 Provides emergency food and other emergency assistance for people with or affected by HIV/ AIDS. Wausau Area Mobile Meals (715) 848-5848 Home-delivered noon meals to the elderly, convalescing, and/or disabled of any age, prepared at Aspirus Wausau Hospital.


Wesley Church Food Pantry (715) 842-3768 (Church office) Food pantry available by pre-ar- rangement; please call church office and speak with a staff member or leave a message. WIC-Women, Infants & Children Nutrition Program (800) 246-5743 Provides mothers and young children who qualify for WIC benefits with a debit card to purchase foods that meet their nutritional needs. HEALTH SERVICES Aspirus Comfort Care and Hospice Services (715) 847-2424 Provides comprehensive hospice care for patients with terminal illness. Aspirus Walk-In Clinics (715) 847-2472 (Family Walk-in, Wausau) (715) 241-5404 (Weston Clinic) Walk-in medical clinics for minor ailments and injuries. Aspirus Wausau Hospital

BadgerCare Plus (888) 445-1621 or (715) 261-7500

Compassus Hospice Services (715) 204-3440

Provides comprehensive hospice care and specialized support to people who have a life limiting

(call or log on to apply, or apply in person at Marathon County Social Services). Public assis- tance program that provides health coverage to income-eli- gible individuals, families, and children. Wood Aven (715) 675-9451 Nursing home and rehabilitation facility in Wausau. Bridge Community Health Clinic (715) 848-4884 A primary care clinic providing general medical, dental, and counseling services to all pa- tients, regardless of their insur- ance status. Sliding fee scale for income-eligible patients. Certified Application Counselors Provides information and assis- tance to individuals, families, and small business owners on how to navigate and enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace. The following agencies have Certi- fied Counselors available to the general public: * Aspirus Locations (888) 620-1555 * Bridge Community Health Clinic (715) 848-4884 * Covering Wisconsin (608) 261-1455 * Family Health Center of Marshfield (715) 221-5700

disease and their families. Dental Hygiene Clinic (715) 803-1585

Dental Hygiene students at NTC provide basic teeth cleaning ser- vices, X-rays, and sealants. Family Planning Only Services (888) 445-1621 or (715) 261- 7500 (call or log on to apply, or apply in person at Marathon Coun- ty Social Services). Provides limited benefits relating to family planning services for low-income women and men age 15 and older. Free Mammography and Breast Cancer Screening Services (715) 847-2380 or (800) 847- 4707 Free mammograms and breast-related diagnostic ser- vices for women and men with- out health insurance or a high deductible and co-pay, through Aspirus Wausau Hospital.

(715) 847-2121

Local hospital providing commu- nity education programs as well as hospital services.


Health Insurance Marketplace (800) 318-2596 Provides information about health insurance options, subsi- dies and available tax credits for health insurance, and the option to sign up for a health insurance plan through the Affordable Care Act. Healthfirst Network (800) 246-5743 Offers affordable health care and education. Services include pregnancy testing, STD testing, pap and pelvic exams, contra - ception, testicular exams, and natural family planning instruc- tion. Hmong & Spanish Communication Network (H2N) (715) 204-9250 (Hmong Team) (715) 204-9396 (Spanish Team) Collaborates with public health organizations, health systems, resource agencies, and com- munity organizations to provide Hmong and Hispanic communi- ties with resources and tools to better address health needs. Inclusa To enroll, call the Aging & Dis- ability Resource Center at (715) 261-6070 or (888) 486-9545 (877) 622-6700 (For current enrollees) This organization offers a long- term care benefit package to seniors and adults with physical or developmental disabilities who are residents of Marathon County.

Interim Healthcare (715) 842-7707 https://www.interimhealthcare. com/location/wausau-wi Provides hospice care services, as well as home health care, and nursing. Marshfield Clinic – Urgent Care (715) 847-3000 (Wausau Center) Walk-in medical clinic for minor ailments and injuries. Marshfield Medical Center (715) 393-3000 weston-hospital Local hospital providing commu- nity education programs as well as hospital services. Medicaid Program (M.A.) (888) 445-1621 or (715) 261- 7500 (call or log on to apply, or apply in person at Marathon County Social Services). Medicaid is a state/federal program that pro- vides health coverage for Wis- consin residents that are elderly, blind, or disabled (EBD). Mount View Care Center (715) 848-4373 Nursing home in Wausau.

Needle Exchange Program (715) 355-6867 Program to prevent HIV infection and AIDS in injection drug users by providing clean needles or syringes in exchange for used ones. Program includes HIV prevention education, overdose training, counseling, testing and referrals for drug treatment through Vivent Health (formerly the AIDS Resource Center). Pride Therapy & Living Campus (715) 298-3833 Assisted living and rehabilitation facility. Rennes Health and Rehab Center (715) 393-0400 Nursing home and rehabilitation Participating doctors provide medical eye exams for eligible senior citizens. Vision USA -The Wisconsin Project (877) 435-2020 sion-usa-public Provides free eye exams to children from qualifying families, through the Wisconsin Optomet- ric Association. Waterfall Health (715) 842-2028 wausau/ Nursing home facility in Wausau. facility in Weston. Seniors Eyecare (877) 887-6327


Wausau Free Clinic (715) 869-4922

Wisconsin Well Woman Program (715) 345-5776 Provides preventive health screening services to women ages 40-64 who have little or no health insurance. Services in- clude mammograms, pap tests, and pelvic exams. HOME PURCHASE ASSISTANCE Habitat for Humanity of Wausau (715) 848-5042 Eligible low-income families may apply their "sweat equity" toward owning a home built with volun- teers. Wausau Community Development Department (715) 261-6682 Helps people learn how to find a home to buy, and offers down payment assistance for eligible persons who buy a home in the City of Wausau. Wisconsin Rural

HOUSING ASSISTANCE Abbotsford Housing Authority (715) 223-4631 Provides federally subsidized housing in Abbotsford. Atrium Lofts (715) 843-7799 Loft-style apartments in Wausau, some units are reserved for income-eligible tenants. Catholic Charities – Saint Lawrence Community Services (715) 849-3311 or (866) 849- 3311 Program participants receive case management services that may lead to rent payment assis- tance. Diamond View Apartments (715) 675-7979 Housing unit subsidized by HUD (Housing & Urban Develop- ment). Emergency Assistance Pro - gram (800) 771-8420 Needy families with a child that have a current emergency of homelessness, impending home- lessness, energy crisis, fire, flood or natural disaster, may apply to receive Emergency Assistance to help keep their home. Medical services for uninsured and underinsured, low-income patients, including primary care for acute and chronic conditions, limited free or discounted medi- cations as resources allow, and some minor labs, at Community Partners Campus. Wausau Manor Nursing Home (715) 842-0575 Nursing home and rehabilitation facility in Wausau. Wausau V. A. Medical Clinic (800) 872-8662 Provides primary medical care and mental health counseling for Provides information and referral to services for pregnant women, new moms, women’s health is- sues, children and youth, parent- ing, and nutrition. Wisconsin Medicaid BadgerCare Plus Member Services (800) 362-3002 aid veterans only. Well Badger Resource Center (800) 642-7837 Staff at this hotline can answer questions from Medicaid (Medi- cal Assistance) and BadgerCare Plus members about their cov- erage, billing, and prior autho- rization, or make appropriate referrals.

Development (715) 345-7611

Single Family Housing Direct Home Loans for low income applicants in rural areas who are unable to get a conventional loan from a bank.


Emergency Housing Assistance Funds (EHAF) Emergency rent payment assis- tance is administered locally by a collaboration of human service agencies for area residents who would otherwise be homeless. The general public may contact ONE of these agencies for an appointment: * North Central Community Action Program (NCCAP): (715) 842-0681 (Wausau Area) * Catholic Charities - Saint Lawrence Community Services: (715) 849-3311 * The Women's Communi - ty: (715) 842-5663 (Victims of abuse only) Federal Building Lofts (715) 843-7799 Loft style apartments in the renovated Federal Building are reserved for income-eligible tenants. Homeowner's HOPE™ Hotline (888) 995-4673 Counselors can assess callers' current situations, provide advice about alternatives available to them, and assist them in devel- oping a plan to address the situ- ation (each situation is viewed in- dividually and possible outcomes vary for each caller depending on their specific situation).

Marathon County Veterans Service Office (715) 261-1141 Emergency temporary assis- tance for rental or utility as- sistance may be available for veterans depending on individual circumstances. Provides assistance for those in rural counties with a security de- posit or a past due rent payment, mortgage, and property taxes when local funding options have been exhausted. Terrace Heights Apartments (715) 393-4544 50 unit apartment subsidized for low income housing. Trolley Quarter Flats (715) 843-7799 Units in a renovated historic trol- ley barn in Wausau are reserved for income-eligible tenants. Rural Housing (888) 400-5974 Please call for details. Wausau Community Development Authority (715) 261-6687 Handles Section 8 Housing As- sistance, "Scattered Site" Public Housing, and Senior/Handi- capped Housing at Riverview Towers and Riverview Terrace.

IMMIGRANT/REFUGEE SERVICES Catholic Charities Immigration Services (888) 212-4357 Provides direct legal assistance, general assistance, and/or referrals for special needs to all immigrants. English Language Learner Services (715) 803-1152 Offers English language instruc - tion for non-English speaking adults, at NTC. Hmong & Spanish Communication Network (H2N) (715) 842-8390 Collaborates with public health organizations, health systems, resource agencies, and com- munity organizations to provide Hmong and Hispanic communi- ties with resources and tools to address health needs. Latinx Advocate (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24 Hour Sup- port Line) (888) 665-1234 (Toll Free) Provides specialized services to Spanish-speaking victims of sexual and domestic abuse, labor and sex trafficking victims, offered through The Women’s Community.


Migrant Project (855) 947-2529 (Madison) Helps migrant, seasonal farm- workers or dairy workers with civil legal problems, through Legal Action of Wisconsin. New Beginnings for Refugees (715) 301-9719 Assists in resettlement of refu- gees by providing transportation, material goods, and community education. Refugee Cash Assistance (855) 733-1311 RCA is a starting place for new refugees who are not eligible for W-2, SSI or Match Grant. For refugees who enroll in an em- ployment program at The Job Center, assistance is available for the first eight months they are in the country. Refugee Resettlement (715) 907-7084 Serves all refugees in their new community by assisting with finding housing, employment, and referral to public services, through the Ethiopian Communi- ty Development Center (ECDC). Southeast Asian Program (SEAP) (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24 Hour Sup- port Line) (888) 665-1234 (Toll Free) Specialized services to South- east Asian victims of sexual and domestic abuse, labor and sex trafficking victims, offered through The Women’s Commu- nity.

U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services formerly Immigration & Naturalization Service-(INS) (800) 375-5283 Provides information and assis- tance with immigration services, establishing residency and the process to become a citizen, and obtaining a Green Card which is required for alien residents to work in the United States. IN-HOME CARE & RESPITE Aspirus at Home Provides short-term skilled home care services that allow a person to remain at home. Compassus Home Health (800) 397-0270 State-licensed home health and personal care agency. Provides nursing, home health aide, and therapy services. Faith in Action-Marathon County (715) 848-8783 www.faithinactionmarathoncoun- Volunteer help for the elderly whose needs are not current- ly being met by, or who do not qualify for, existing services. Services offered include food pantry delivery, transportation for appointments, and friendly visiting. (715) 847-2600

Personal Assistant Services (715) 344-4210 (Stevens Point) Offers in-home services, ranging from personal needs to simple household tasks, for people with a disability, through Midstate Independent Living Choices. Tyler's Home for Kids (715) 847-1175 dren/ State-licensed group foster care home offers respite services on a 24-hour basis for families of chil- dren with special needs, through Opportunity, Inc. Universal Home Health Care State-licensed in-home personal care agency providing services for individuals who are physically and cognitively challenged. JAIL TRANSITION The Open Door (715) 848-4044 www.opendoorofmarathoncoun- Volunteers provide support for inmates upon release from jail or prison, including clothing and footwear, toiletries, life skills (715) 298-9307 training, and job readiness train- ing at Saint Paul’s Community Center in Wausau.



Modest Means Referral Program (800) 362-9082 State Bar of Wisconsin helps connect clients whose income is too high to qualify for free legal aid, but too low to pay an attor- ney's regular fees, with a lawyer who has agreed to consider cer- tain cases at a reduced rate. Public Defenders Office Legal counsel to low-income res- idents who have been accused of criminal activity. The Women’s Community (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24 Hour Sup- port Line) (888) 665-1234 (Toll Free) Provides support and advocacy for domestic abuse and sexual assault victims, stalking, and hu- man trafficking victims engaged in the criminal justice or civil legal systems and assistance with restraining orders for vic- tims only, through The Women’s Community. Wisconsin Judicare (715) 842-1681 Legal aid for low-income resi- dents of the northern 33 counties in WI, as well as 11 federally recognized tribes for a variety of legal issues. (715) 842-1603

LGBTQ+ Support & Advocacy (715) 842-5663 Provides members of the LGBTQ+ community confidential support and advocacy especially around issues of experiencing harm in relationships/intimate partner violence, sexual assault, family violence, or community violence through The Women’s Community. PRISM Program (414) 336-7974 PRISM (Peer Recovery in Supportive Mutuality) program connects LGBTQ+ youth in Wis- consin with trained peer special- ists who can provide mental and emotional support and men- torship, through Mental Health America of Wisconsin. Room to Be Safe Anti-Violence Program (414) 856-5428 Statewide anti-violence program serving LGBTQ survivors of intimate partner, sexual, hook- up, and hate violence. Provides counseling/advocacy, information and referral, safety planning, and

Consumer Protection Hotline (800) 422-7128 (Madison) grams_Services/ConsumerPro- tection.aspx State consumer protection agency handles landlord/tenant complaints. Environmental Health and Safety Program (715) 261-1900 vices/public-health-human-ser- vices/environmental-health/hu- man-health-hazards/ Marathon County Health Depart- ment investigates local housing issues involving heat, sanitation, and pest control. Tenant Resource Center Provides information regarding tenant and landlord concerns, such as eviction and repairs. LEGAL ASSISTANCE Aging & Disability Resource Center of Central Wisconsin (888) 486-9545 Resource Specialists help seniors aged 60 and older and adults with disabilities under- stand their government benefits and consumer rights.

ongoing support. Trans Lifeline (877) 565-8860

Provides peer counseling and support for transgender people experiencing a crisis and/or struggling with their gender iden- tity, Monday-Friday 12pm-8pm.

Lawyer Referral and Information Service

(800) 362-9082

Legal hotline that refers callers to a lawyer dealing with their type of legal situation, through the State Bar of Wisconsin.


Trevor Lifeline (866) 488-7386 or Text “START” to 678-678 Operates a 24-hour crisis and suicide prevention helpline for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgen - der, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. LITERACY Marathon County Literacy Council (715) 679-6170 Tutors provide free one-on-one literacy instruction for adults throughout Marathon County and surrounding areas. Help in the following areas: reading, writing, finance, and English language learning. NTC's College Prep Center (715) 803-1152 Services available to adult learners include help with basic literacy skills. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES NOTE: To learn more about counseling options in your area of interest, call United Way's 211 any time, day or night. Dial 211 or (715) 848-2255 or toll-free (800) 922-5590 Email Search online at: https://www. tabase Text 898211 Monday-Friday 8am-4pm Chat with a specialist Mon- day-Friday 8am-12 Noon. ACS Clinical Services (715) 848-3202

Behavioral Health Clinic (715) 842-9500 Bridge Community Health Clinic Counseling (715) 848-4884 Caring Tree Children’s Counseling Center (715) 301-0667 Center for Human Development (715) 842-0944 or (800) 236- 3792 Centre for Well-Being (715) 848-5022 Charis Counseling (715) 848-0525 Child and Family Counsel- ing (previously Children’s Service Society) (715) 848-1457 Compass Counseling (715) 298-6364 Elmergreen Associates (715) 845-7175 Evans Counseling (715) 849-3988 North Central Health Care Outpatient Mental Health

True North Counseling & Wellness (715) 370-8863 Veteran's Outreach (800) 872-8662 (For referral to Wausau V. A. Clinic) Wausau Vet Center (715) 842-1724 PARENTING Children's Wisconsin Family Resource Center 715-848-1457 Provides parenting education, support, and workshops through- out Marathon County. Children's also offers parenting classes, short-term, in-home parenting support, and warmline services free of charge for all Marathon County residents. Start Right home visiting program is also available for eligible families. Marshfield Medical Center - Weston 715-393-3093 - tions/weston-marshfield-medi - cal-center/birthing-services Programs available to new par- ents include infant care basics/ infant safety, and breastfeeding classes. Nurse-Family Partnership (715) 261-1900 https://www.marathoncounty. gov/services/public-health-hu- man-services/nurse-family-part- nership Provides family support, case management and coaching for families from pregnancy to age 2.

(715) 848-4356


Parent Support Groups (715) 842-5683 www.highlandcommunitychurch. com Members meet to celebrate motherhood, meet needs, make connections and celebrate God's love through relationships and resources. Women's Health Birthing Center (715) 847-2380 (Aspirus Infor- mation Center) Programs available to new parents include childbirth prepa- ration, perinatal education, and parenting.

Children’s Resource Center North (715) 261-1906 https://northernregionalcenter. org/ Provides health benefits coun - seling, service coordination, and advocacy for local families of children with special health care needs and the providers who serve them, through the Mara- thon County Health Department. D. C. Everest Area Schools' Pupil Services and Special Education (715) 359-4221 ext. 1253 Provides educational services for school-aged children with dis- abilities in the D.C. Everest Area Schools. Homme Adult Day Center (715) 845-1214 ext. 310 Offers social and recreational activities for people with Alz- heimer’s disease, dementia, or other frailties of aging. Services available Monday-Friday, 8am- To enroll, call the Aging & Dis- ability Resource Center at: (715) 261-6070 or (888) 486-9545 Managed long term care support and services for seniors and adults with disabilities. Interim Health Care (715) 842-7707 ext. 113 State-licensed home health and personal care agency for short or long-term needs. Offers nurs - ing, hospice, personal care, and several therapy services. 4:30pm. Inclusa

Marathon County Birth to Three (715) 261-6580 Provides coordinated services for infants and toddlers who ex - perience atypical development or developmental delays, through Marathon County Special Edu- cation. Marathon County Department of Special Education (715) 261-1980 Offers educational services for school-aged children with disabil- ities in rural Marathon County. Meals on Wheels (888)486-9545 vices/meals-for-seniors/meals- on-wheels/ Provides home-delivered meals to seniors who are confined to their homes because of illness or disability and are unable to easily prepare a meal for themselves, through the Aging and Disability Resource Center. Metro Ride Paratransit (formerly WATs+) (715) 842-9287 your-government/transit/how-to- ride/service-for-the-disabled Provides non-emergency, spe- cialized transportation for people who are physically or cognitively unable to use a standard transit bus, anywhere in the Metro Ride service area.


ABC for Health (800) 585-4222

Offers legal advocacy and ben - efits counseling on a sliding fee scale for families of children with

special health needs. Aging & Disability Resource Specialists (888) 486-9545

Serves as the initial contact for resources that prevent, delay, and lessen the impacts of aging and disabilities in the lives of adults. Autism Society of Central Wisconsin (920) 558-4602 Provides a source of information and support for parents, care- givers, and individuals trying to understand Autism Spectrum Disorder.


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