FINANCIAL/BUDGETING COUNSELING Catholic Charities – Saint Lawrence Community Services (715) 849-3311 or (866) 849- 3311 Families and individuals receive an evaluation of their financial situation, develop a plan, and participate in counseling. FamilyMeans Financial Solutions (800) 780-2890 Free budget and debt counseling to those who need help with debt repayment, relief from financial stress, and money management skills. Goodwill Industries Financial and Debt Solution Services (800) 366-8161 Provides money management services including basic budget- ing, financial coaching, credit counseling, and student loan debt counseling. Getting Ahead (715) 298-3028 ting-ahead-program Program aims to help people move out of poverty, achieve self-sufficiency, and improve financial security through an 18 week program at St. Vincent de Paul.
Greenpath Financial Counseling (800) 550-1961
Community Center of Hope Food Pantry (715) 907-2576 Community food pantry for southern Marathon County resi- dents in need. Distributes Tues- day 2:30-4:30pm; and Thursday 9-11am. Covenant Food Pantry (715) 359-6467 Provides emergency food for area families in need. Distributes the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 3-5pm, at the Covenant Community Presbyte- rian Church in Schofield. Edgar Circle of Joy Food Pantry (715) 352-2532 or (715) 432- 3044 Offers emergency food for res - idents in Edgar and Marathon City areas, the 1st Wednesday of the month 9-11am and 3rd Wednesday from 2-4pm, at Ed- gar Village Hall. First Presbyterian Church Food Pantry (715) 842-2116 Church volunteers distribute food on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of
Offers free financial and budget counseling. Other services in- clude student loan, housing, and bankruptcy counseling and may have a fee. Student Loan HelpLine (833) 589-0750 Free, confidential resource for borrower questions related to their student loans, through the Wisconsin Coalition on Student Debt. FOOD ASSISTANCE Athens Circle of Joy Food Pantry (715) 257-9274 Provides food for residents of Athens School District. Distrib- utes the 2nd and 4th Sunday 12:30-2pm at St. Anthony’s Cath- olic Church. Café 60 (888) 486-9545 vices/meals-for-seniors/cafe-60/ Provides elderly residents in rural Marathon County with meal coupons to use in local partici- pating restaurants that will help meet their nutritional needs, through the Aging & Disability Resource Center. Community Action Partnership (CAP) (715) 241-7335 ext. 3 Distributes both fresh and non-perishable food 1st and 3rd Friday 2-4pm at Ministry of Christ Community Church.
the month,1-2pm. Jubilee House (715) 848-6120
A Catholic Worker House that serves a community meal in Wausau every Thursday 4:30- 6pm at St. Matthew Parish.
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