Get Help Guide 2025 FINAL_web

Emergency Housing Assistance Funds (EHAF) Emergency rent payment assis- tance is administered locally by a collaboration of human service agencies for area residents who would otherwise be homeless. The general public may contact ONE of these agencies for an appointment: * North Central Community Action Program (NCCAP): (715) 842-0681 (Wausau Area) * Catholic Charities - Saint Lawrence Community Services: (715) 849-3311 * The Women's Communi - ty: (715) 842-5663 (Victims of abuse only) Federal Building Lofts (715) 843-7799 Loft style apartments in the renovated Federal Building are reserved for income-eligible tenants. Homeowner's HOPE™ Hotline (888) 995-4673 Counselors can assess callers' current situations, provide advice about alternatives available to them, and assist them in devel- oping a plan to address the situ- ation (each situation is viewed in- dividually and possible outcomes vary for each caller depending on their specific situation).

Marathon County Veterans Service Office (715) 261-1141 Emergency temporary assis- tance for rental or utility as- sistance may be available for veterans depending on individual circumstances. Provides assistance for those in rural counties with a security de- posit or a past due rent payment, mortgage, and property taxes when local funding options have been exhausted. Terrace Heights Apartments (715) 393-4544 50 unit apartment subsidized for low income housing. Trolley Quarter Flats (715) 843-7799 Units in a renovated historic trol- ley barn in Wausau are reserved for income-eligible tenants. Rural Housing (888) 400-5974 Please call for details. Wausau Community Development Authority (715) 261-6687 Handles Section 8 Housing As- sistance, "Scattered Site" Public Housing, and Senior/Handi- capped Housing at Riverview Towers and Riverview Terrace.

IMMIGRANT/REFUGEE SERVICES Catholic Charities Immigration Services (888) 212-4357 Provides direct legal assistance, general assistance, and/or referrals for special needs to all immigrants. English Language Learner Services (715) 803-1152 Offers English language instruc - tion for non-English speaking adults, at NTC. Hmong & Spanish Communication Network (H2N) (715) 842-8390 Collaborates with public health organizations, health systems, resource agencies, and com- munity organizations to provide Hmong and Hispanic communi- ties with resources and tools to address health needs. Latinx Advocate (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24 Hour Sup- port Line) (888) 665-1234 (Toll Free) Provides specialized services to Spanish-speaking victims of sexual and domestic abuse, labor and sex trafficking victims, offered through The Women’s Community.


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