Parent Support Groups (715) 842-5683 www.highlandcommunitychurch. com Members meet to celebrate motherhood, meet needs, make connections and celebrate God's love through relationships and resources. Women's Health Birthing Center (715) 847-2380 (Aspirus Infor- mation Center) Programs available to new parents include childbirth prepa- ration, perinatal education, and parenting.
Children’s Resource Center North (715) 261-1906 https://northernregionalcenter. org/ Provides health benefits coun - seling, service coordination, and advocacy for local families of children with special health care needs and the providers who serve them, through the Mara- thon County Health Department. D. C. Everest Area Schools' Pupil Services and Special Education (715) 359-4221 ext. 1253 Provides educational services for school-aged children with dis- abilities in the D.C. Everest Area Schools. Homme Adult Day Center (715) 845-1214 ext. 310 Offers social and recreational activities for people with Alz- heimer’s disease, dementia, or other frailties of aging. Services available Monday-Friday, 8am- To enroll, call the Aging & Dis- ability Resource Center at: (715) 261-6070 or (888) 486-9545 Managed long term care support and services for seniors and adults with disabilities. Interim Health Care (715) 842-7707 ext. 113 State-licensed home health and personal care agency for short or long-term needs. Offers nurs - ing, hospice, personal care, and several therapy services. 4:30pm. Inclusa
Marathon County Birth to Three (715) 261-6580 Provides coordinated services for infants and toddlers who ex - perience atypical development or developmental delays, through Marathon County Special Edu- cation. Marathon County Department of Special Education (715) 261-1980 Offers educational services for school-aged children with disabil- ities in rural Marathon County. Meals on Wheels (888)486-9545 vices/meals-for-seniors/meals- on-wheels/ Provides home-delivered meals to seniors who are confined to their homes because of illness or disability and are unable to easily prepare a meal for themselves, through the Aging and Disability Resource Center. Metro Ride Paratransit (formerly WATs+) (715) 842-9287 your-government/transit/how-to- ride/service-for-the-disabled Provides non-emergency, spe- cialized transportation for people who are physically or cognitively unable to use a standard transit bus, anywhere in the Metro Ride service area.
ABC for Health (800) 585-4222
Offers legal advocacy and ben - efits counseling on a sliding fee scale for families of children with
special health needs. Aging & Disability Resource Specialists (888) 486-9545
Serves as the initial contact for resources that prevent, delay, and lessen the impacts of aging and disabilities in the lives of adults. Autism Society of Central Wisconsin (920) 558-4602 Provides a source of information and support for parents, care- givers, and individuals trying to understand Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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