Midstate Independent Living Choices (715) 344-4210 ext. 238 www.milc-inc.org Services available to people with disabilities of all ages, include Information & Referral, Advo- cacy, Independent Living Skills Training, Assistive Technology, Peer Support, and Representa- tive Payee. Mosinee School District's Pupil Services (715) 693-2530 www.mosineeschools.org Educational services for school- aged children with disabilities starting at age 3, in the Mosinee School District. North Central Health Care (715) 848-4600 (Main switch- board) (715) 848-4417 (Registration) www.norcen.org Provides rehabilitation, commu nity support, case management, and vocational services for peo- ple with developmental disabili- ties and chronic mental illness. Office for the Blind and Vi - sually Impaired (888) 879-0017 Provides training to help blind/ visually impaired people to gain or regain independence. Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (855) 359-5252 Offers information, referral, sup - port and training for people who are deaf, deaf-blind, or hard of hearing.
Opportunity, Inc. (715) 842-8700 www.oppincwi.org
Stable Hands (715) 359-6046
www.stablehandstherapy.com Offers equine therapies and activities for people with special needs. Telephone Equipment Pur - chase Program (TEPP) (844) 411-3861 Individuals can get a voucher to purchase telecommunications equipment necessary for afford - able access to essential, basic telephone services. Transition Services (888) 486-9545 www.adrc-cw.org Specialists at the Aging & Dis- ability Resource Center can connect with children nearing adulthood to determine what services they may be eligible for as an adult. Tyler's Home for Kids (715) 847-1175 www.oppincwi.org Facility offers respite services on a 24-hour basis for families of children with special needs. Wausau Area Mobile Meals (715) 848-5848 www.wamobilemeals.com Provides home-delivered noon meals to the elderly, convalesc- ing, and/or disabled of any age, prepared at Aspirus Wausau Hospital. Wausau Community Development Department (715) 261-6682 www.wausaudevelopment.com City of Wausau property owners may be eligible for Homeowners' Rehabilitation loans to make their homes handicap-accessi- ble.
Provides assistance for children and adults with disabilities, and their families, including Advoca- cy, Respite, and Assisted Living. Rainbow's End (715) 847-2000 ext. 53488 www.aspirus.org Day camp for young people ages 5 - 21 with developmental or physical disabilities, through Aspirus Wausau Hospital. Regional Library for the Blind & Physically Handi- capped (715) 261-7200 www.mcpl.us/services/home- bound Provides "Talking Books" and players free to visually impaired and to qualified physically impaired persons, through the Marathon County Public Library. Shared Blessings (715) 432-4799 www.sharedblessingskids.org Provides and host community events at various locations for Special Needs Families to meet for playgroups, therapy, and networking. Social Security Administration (800) 772-1213 or (855) 269- 9186 www.ssa.gov Federal program provides monthly income for people who qualify as having a disability.
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