Get Help Guide 2025 FINAL_web

Wausau Outreach Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired (715) 842-0769 Provides opportunities to net- work and experience fellowship for blind or visually impaired members of the community, at Trinity Lutheran Church. Wausau School District's Special Education Services (715) 261-0500 Provides educational services for school-aged children with disabilities in the Wausau School District. Wisconsin Department of Transportation (800) 924-3570 (Statewide Infor- mation Center) (608) 266-3041 (Special Plates) Processes Handicap Parking Cards for area residents with disabilities. Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) (715) 261-8700 Helps people with disabilities enter or reenter the job market, at the Job Center. Wisconsin Relay System (800) 947-3529 (For hearing impaired callers) (800) 676-3777 (For hearing callers), or call 7-1-1 Telephone relay service for Wis- consin residents who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind, with cogni- tive issues, or speech-disabled.

Wisconsin Rural Development (715) 345-7611 Provides grants for very low-in- come elderly in rural areas, include payment for making a home handicap-accessible. WisLoan Program (715) 344-4210 Ext 238 (Ste - vens Point) Offers loans to help purchase assistive technology or adaptive equipment, or make accessibility modifications to homes, through Midstate Independent Living Choices. PERSONAL NEEDS & HOUSEHOLD GOODS Back to Basics and Bare Necessities (715) 848-2927 workplace-volunteer-council Workplace Volunteer Council members collect, store, and distribute personal hygiene items, new undergarments and socks through its Back to Basics and Bare Necessities projects to agencies with clients in need. Requests for assistance must be made by an agency representa- tive. United Way of Marathon County Community Closet (715) 848-2927 community-closet Provides free gently used or new clothing for all ages, including shoes, steel-toe boots, & winter outerwear to anyone in need. No income verification.

Fill A Backpack Fill A Need (715) 432-0792 workplace-volunteer-council Students in grades 4K-8 who qualify for free or reduced school hot lunch receive a free back- pack filled with school supplies in August for the upcoming school year, through the Workplace Volunteer Council. HELP- Health Equipment Lending Program (715) 843-5985 Good News Project provides short-term loans of medical equipment to people in need and accepts donated medical equipment to support its missions. No residency or income restric- tions. Ministry of Christ Community Church (715) 241-7335 ext. 3 Distributes donated personal hygiene items every other Friday 2-4pm. Mt. Calvary Clothes Closet (715) 359-4500 https://www.mtcalvaryrothschild. org/clothes-closet.html Provides free clothing for individ- uals and families in need, by ap- pointment only. Items available depends on current donations.


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