Get Help Guide 2025 FINAL_web

Personal Needs Closet (715) 842-2201 FUMCOutreachampMission Distributes personal hygiene items and household supplies through First United Methodist Church. Open 2nd Tuesday of the month 1-3pm; and 4th Satur- day of the month 9-11am. The Babies’ Place (715) 845-1966 tent/Babies-Place.cfm Provides 25% of monthly diaper need to families. Baby wipes, formula, and food offered as available. Monday & Wednes- day 1:30pm-4:30pm, Tuesday & Thursday 10:30am-1:30pm. The Open Door (715) 848-4044 www.opendoormarathoncounty. com Provides donated clothing, footwear and toiletry items to recently released inmates. Lo- cated behind St. Paul’s Church, entrance on 5th St. Tiny Tots Closet (715) 842-3733 https://www.stpauluccwausau. org/tiny-tots-closet Provides diapers for those in need each Tuesday 10am-Noon at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ. Tools for School (715) 845-4272 The Salvation Army distributes donated school supplies to stu- dents in grades 9-12 who qualify for free or reduced school hot lunch, in August.

PREGNANCY SERVICES Aspirus Wausau Family Medicine Provides care for pregnant wom- en who have no means to pay to see a resident physician for OB care. BadgerCare Plus (888) 445-1621 (715) 675-3391 BadgerCare Plus is a state/fed- eral program that provides health coverage for income-eligible pregnant women. Catholic Charities Pregnancy Services (715) 849-3311 or (866) 849- 3311 Provides free and confidential support services to pregnant women and other people affect - ed by an unplanned or crisis pregnancy. Family Birth Center (715) 393-3000 - tions/weston-marshfield-medi - cal-center/birthing-services Programs available to new (call or log on to apply) parents include childbirth prepa- ration, perinatal education, and parenting education. Hannah Center (715) 387-6300 Residence for pregnant women provides resources to help get lives back on track by finding emotional and financial indepen - dence through educational and employment opportunities.

HealthFirst Network (800) 246-5743 Pregnancy testing and education available on a sliding fee scale. Hope Life Center Offers free pregnancy testing, counseling and education for unplanned pregnancies and post-abortion services for wom- en, men, and their families. STI testing/treatment and limited O/B ultrasound services are also available. Nurse-Family Partnership (715) 261-1900 (715) 843-4673 Provides health education, re- source identification and referral, and care coordination for preg- nant women and families with newborns, through the Marathon County Health Department. Smoking cessation counsel- ing also available for pregnant women. WIC-Women, Infants & Chil- dren Nutrition Program (800) 246-5743 Provides mothers and young children who qualify for WIC benefits in the form of a debit card to purchase foods that meet their nutritional needs. Women's Health Birthing Center (715) 847-2380 (Aspirus Infor- mation Center) or (800) 847- 4707 Programs available to new parents include childbirth prepa- ration, perinatal education, and parenting education.


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