Get Help Guide 2025 FINAL_web

Aging & Disability Resource Center of Central Wisconsin (888) 486-9545 Provides screening for seniors and people with disabilities to learn what benefit programs they may be eligible for; provides a nutrition program, information and referral; and serves as a gateway for long-term care re- sources. Alzheimer's Family and Caregiver Support Program (888) 486-9545 Limited financial assistance is available to reimburse caregivers for some of the costs necessary to care for a person with de- mentia. Typical services include in-home help, respite care, adult day care and transportation. Faith in Action of Marathon County (715) 848-8783 www.faithinactionmarathoncoun- Volunteer help for senior citizens whose needs are not currently being met by existing support services includes rides to medi- cal appointments, grocery shop- ping, and food pantry deliver. Homme Adult Day Center (715) 845-1214 ext. 310 Offers social and recreational activities for people with Alz- heimer’s disease, dementia, or other frailties of aging. LIFE (Learning Is ForEver) (715) 346-3838 Learning opportunities through UWSP at Wausau for adults age 50 or older.

Marathon County Transportation Program (715) 848-4555 (Dispatch) (715) 841-5101 (Office) North Central Health Care offers transportation services for people age 60 and over, or individuals of any age who are not able to walk, who are outside of 3/4 mile of a Metro Ride bus route within Marathon County. It offers transportation for medical, employment, or nutritional needs only. NOTE FOR MEDICAL APPOINTMENT TRANSPORTATION: * Family Care participants should contact Inclusa for more information: (715) 345-5968. * ForwardHealth members (Medicaid and BadgerCare Plus Recipients) must instead sched- ule their non-emergency medical transportation through MTM by calling toll-free: (866) 907-1493. Safe & Healthy Support Group (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24 Hour Sup- port Line) (888) 665-1234 (Toll Free) Provides support services to vic- tims of domestic abuse and sex - ual assault for ages 50+, through The Women's Community. SeniorCare Prescription Drug Assistance Program (800) 657-2038 (Customer Ser- vice Hotline) State program designed to help eligible Wisconsin senior citizens with their prescription drug costs.

Senior Service Program (920) 593-3557 A "stepping stone" program to help income-eligible seniors age 55 and older gain unsubsidized employment. Social Security Administration (800) 772-1213 or (855) 269- 9186 Administers Social Security, Medicare, and Supplemental Security Income benefits. SEXUAL ASSAULT Child Advocacy Center (715) 848-8600 Conducts forensic interviews of children alleged to be the victim of child abuse or neglect. Advo- cacy, coordination of services, and behavioral health services available. Sexual Assault Victim Services (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24-hour support line) (888) 665-1234 (Toll-free 24- hour support line) Provides supportive counseling, legal and medical advocacy to victims of all ages of sexual assault, adult survivors of child sexual abuse, non-offending parents, and sexual harassment victims, through The Women’s Community.


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