SUICIDE PREVENTION Hopeline Text Crisis Line 741741 Text Short Code Confidential text service for sui - cide prevention and crisis inter- vention, through the Center for Suicide Awareness. Suicide Prevention Line (715) 845-4326 or (800) 799- 0122, 24 hours/day Suicide prevention and crisis in- tervention, through North Central Health Care. Wisconsin Lifeline 988 or (800) 273-8255 or (800) SUICIDE vice/wisconsin-lifeline Member-center of National Sui- cide Prevention Lifeline providing free, short-term telephone coun- seling for people of all ages. SUPPORT GROUPS Al-Anon (888) 425-2666 12-step group meetings help families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living with a relative's or friend's prob- lem drinking. Alateen (888) 425-2666 A recovery program for young people whose lives have been affected by alcoholism in a family member or close friend. Alcoholics Anonymous (715) 503-0880 (Available 24 hours) Provides 12-step Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
Central Wisconsin Autism Society (920) 558-4602 tralwi/ Provides opportunities for indi- viduals on the Autism Spectrum to interact socially with each oth- er and offers a source of infor - mation and support for parents, caregivers, and individuals trying to understand Autism Spectrum Disorder. Domestic Violence Survivors Support Group (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24 Hour Sup- port Line) (888) 665-1234 (Toll Free) Support group is for all domestic violence survivors of all genders and ages, through The Women’s Community. Epilepsy Support Group (608) 665-1848 Offers meetings for individuals with epilepsy and their parents, siblings, friends and spouses on- line, sponsored by the Epilepsy Foundation. Family Birth Center (715) 393-3000 Offers a variety of support and education groups for new or expecting parents. Gamblers Anonymous (715) 297-5317 Gamblers Anonymous (GA) meetings provide self-help and support for people to overcome gambling.
Grief Support Group (715) 301-7270
Grief support group for those that have lost a loved one. Call for current meeting times and dates. Grief Support Groups (715) 847-2703 Support group for bereaved adults who are ready to move forward through education, recording memories, and search- ing for meaning, through Aspirus. GriefShare Program Support for people grieving the loss of someone close, offered at several local churches. See website for times and locations. Healing From Sexual Abuse (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24 Hour Sup- port Line) (888) 665-1234 (Toll Free) Ongoing peer support group for women 18 and over impacted by sexual assault, at The Women's Community. LEAP (Learning Essentials About Parenting) (715) 848-1457 Provides ongoing parent support and education through Family Resource Centers. Mothers of Multiples (715) 551-9024 Facebook Group: Mother of Mul- tiple - Wisconsin Provides support and education- al resources, and helps develop friendships between mothers of multiple birth children.
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