Narcotics Anony- mous-North Central Wisconsin Area (800) 240-0276
Safe & Healthy Support Group (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24 Hour Sup- port Line) (888) 665-1234 (Toll Free) Support group for victims of domestic and sexual abuse, financial abuse, harassment, and stalking over age 50, through The Women's Community. Sexual Abuse Support Group (715) 842-7323 Ongoing peer support group for women 18 and over who have been sexually abused. Teen Support Group (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24 Hour Sup- port Line) (888) 665-1234 (Toll Free) Support group for teens impact- ed by teen dating violence and sexual assault for ages 13-18 of all genders, through The Wom- en’s Community. The Stroke Club (715) 847-2827 Support group for stroke patients and their families, through Aspi- rus Wausau Hospital. Women Living With Hope (715) 393-1406 Support group for women af- fected by breast cancer, through Marshfield Clinic.
Women's Health Birthing Center (715) 847-2380 (Aspirus Infor- mation Center) Offers a variety of support and education groups for new or expecting parents. TRANSPORTATION All American Taxi (715) 355-0899 Commercial taxi service with a discount for seniors who trav- el within the Wausau-Schof- ield-Weston-Rothschild area. Faith in Action-Marathon County (715) 848-8783 www.faithinactionmarathoncoun- Volunteer help for the elderly whose needs are not current- ly being met by, or who do not qualify for, existing transporta - tion services, by providing rides to medical appointments, food pantry delivery, and grocery shopping.
Offers recovery from the effects of addiction through working a 12-step program. Call or check website for current information about local meeting times and places. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) (715) 432-0180 Email naminorthwoods@gmail. com Provides community education, advocacy and support groups for people whose lives have been affected by mental illness. Overeaters Anonymous (715) 212-0413 Support group for adults who have an addiction to food and want to stop the problem. Parents Helping Parents (715) 842-5663 Support group for non-offend - ing parents and caregivers of children who have been sexu - ally abused, sponsored by The Women's Community Sexual As - sault Victim Services Program. Parent Support Groups (715) 842-5683 www.highlandcommunitychurch. com Members meet to celebrate motherhood, meet needs, make connections and celebrate God's love through relationships and resources.
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