Get Help Guide 2025 FINAL_web

Marathon County Transportation Program (715) 848-4555 (Dispatch) (715) 841-5101 (Office) North Central Health Care offers transportation services for people age 60 and over, or individuals of any age who are not able to walk, who are outside of 3/4 mile of a Metro Ride bus route within Marathon County. It offers transportation for medical, employment, or nutritional needs only. NOTE FOR MEDICAL AP- POINTMENT TRANSPORTA- TION: * Family Care participants should contact Inclusa for more information: (715) 345-5968. * ForwardHealth members (Medicaid and BadgerCare Plus recipients) must instead sched- ule their non-emergency medical transportation through Veyo by calling toll-free: (866) 907-1493. Metro Ride Bus Service (715) 842-9287 (Office) Public bus service in Wausau.

Metro Ride Paratransit (715) 842-9287 your-government/transit/how-to- ride/service-for-the-disabled Provides non-emergency, spe- cialized origin to destination transportation for people who are physically or cognitively unable to use a standard transit bus, anywhere in the Metro Ride service area. MTM (866) 907-1493 (To schedule a ride) sin/ Staff at Veyo arrange non-emer - gency transportation services for people that receive Medicaid and BadgerCare Plus who have no other way of getting a ride to a medical appointment (except for those who reside in a nursing home, or who are enrolled in Family Care). May also provide transportation to pharmacies for prescriptions. Northwoods Cab (715) 393-7788 Commercial taxi service. Wheels to Work (715) 581-9283 Helps families and individuals overcome the barrier of unreli- able transportation to and from work or school. Qualified appli - cants may receive a donated vehicle loan, or get a 0% interest vehicle repair loan.

UTILITY AND ENERGY ASSISTANCE Catholic Charities – Saint Lawrence Community Ser - vices (715) 849-3311 or (866) 849- 3311 Program participants receive case management services that may lead to help with utility assistance. USDA Development Block Grant Program (715) 345-7611 Offers 1% interest homeowner rehabilitation loans for low to moderate income families that can help with furnace replace- ment. Energy Assistance Pro - grams (800) 506-5596 Offers financial assistance for utility bills for income-eligible Marathon County residents, through Energy Services. Focus on Energy (800) 762-7077 Offers cash-back rewards for the purchase and installation of qual- ifying home heating equipment. Marathon County Veterans Service Office (715) 261-1141 https://www.marathoncounty. gov/about-us/departments/veter- ans-services Emergency temporary utility assistance may be available for veterans, depending on individ- ual circumstances.


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