North Central Community Action Program (NCCAP) (715) 842-3111 Energy Conservation/Home Weatherization Program provides furnaces, insulation, and air duct sealing t o improve energy conservation
Homeless Veterans Hotline (877) 424-3838 Connects homeless and at-risk veterans with housing solutions, health care, community employ- ment services, and other sup- ports. HonorBound Foundation (800) 521-0198 Provides limited financial as - sistance for veterans and their families. Funds can be used for a variety of needs such as utility bills, assistive technology, se- curity deposits and housing, gift cards to purchase necessities, and a variety of other assistance on a case-by-case basis. Hotline for Federal Veterans Benefits Information (800) 827-1000 Processes applications and de- termines eligibility for all federal Veterans Administration benefits for veterans, survivors and family members. Marathon County Veterans Service Office (715) 261-1141 or (800) 236- 0153 Provides help preparing claims/ applications for benefits, infor - mation on VA health benefits, VA insurance, VA education bene- fits, burial and death benefits, and State veterans' benefits.
Montgomery-Plant-Dudley American Legion Post 10 (715) 581-5210 Volunteer veterans group pro- vides assistance to local veter- ans. Services include limited financial assistance for gas or rent, physical support such as moving assistance or minor home repairs, and moral sup- port. Never Forgotten Honor Flights (715) 573-8519 www.neverforgottenhonorflight. com Honor Flight chapters na- tion-wide transport America's veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit the war memorials dedi- cated to honor their service and sacrifices. Veterans Crisis Line (800) 273-8255 ext. 1, or 838255 (Text) Connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with confidential support 24 hours/ day. Veterans Services (715) 218-0006 Provides job placement assis- tance, employment and training, and case management for qual- ified veterans, at the Wisconsin Job Center.
for eligible participants. The Salvation Army (715) 845-4272
There are times during the year when The Salvation Army may be able to offer limited utility assistance if it will prevent a disconnection or allow a recon- nection of electric and natural gas service. Wausau Community Development Department (715) 261-6682 Wausau property owners may be eligible for Homeowners' Reha- bilitation loans for emergency furnace replacement. VETERAN SERVICES Family Assistance Center (800) 292-9464 Option 1 (24- hour hotline) Provides information on entitle- ments and programs, and refer- rals for assistance, to families of veterans or service members of all branches before, during, or after a deployment.
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