VHA Office of Community Care (608) 256- 1901 (Madison) (608) 372-3971 (Tomah) www.va.gov/communitycare Provides information about health insurance and benefits for veterans and their families. Vietnam Veterans of America--Northcentral Wisconsin Chapter #479 (715) 678-2945 Group provides information to Vietnam veterans and their fam- ilies, particularly regarding agent orange; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); unemployment and under-employment of veter- ans; the plight of homeless vets; and the POW/MIA (Prisoners of War/Missing in Action) question. Wausau V. A. Medical Clinic (800) 872-8662 Provides primary medical care and mental health counseling for veterans only. Wausau Vet Center (715) 842-1724 www.vetcenter.va.gov Provides readjustment services for returning war veterans and their family members. Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (800) 947-8387 www.dva.state.wi.us Provides information and as- sistance for WI veterans with benefits, claims, education, employment, veteran’s homes, and burials.
Farm to Family Produce Program
If you’re interested in receiving fresh produce, please contact United Way at uway@unitedwaymc.org.
This publication is produced by United Way of Marathon County and 211. 705 S. 24th Ave Ste 400B Wausau, WI 54401 (715) 848-2927 www.unitedwaymc.org
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