ABUSE (ADULTS AND CHILDREN) Adult Protective Services (715) 841-5160 (855) 487-3338 Toll Free www.norcen.org APS investigates concerns of adults at risk including elder abuse and vulnerable adults, through North Central Health Care. This includes reports of suspected abuse or neglect, self-neglect, and financial ex - ploitation. Child Advocacy Center of North Central Wisconsin (715) 848-8600 www.chw.org Child-focused location that pro- vides comprehensive services in the form of forensic interviews, advocacy services, and coor- dination of specialized medical exams. Human Trafficking Hotline ( 888) 373-7888 www.humantraffickinghotline.org Connects victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking with services and supports to get help and stay safe. Operates 24 hours/day. Juvenile & Sensitive Crimes Unit - Marathon County Sheriff's Department (715) 261-1200, or 9-1-1 (Emergencies only) https://www.marathoncounty.gov/ Call to report child abuse/ne- glect, elder abuse, sexual assaults, domestic violence, juvenile offenses, truancy and other crimes of a sensitive nature involving individuals of any age.
Marathon County Protective Services (715) 261-7556 Receives and responds to re- ports of alleged maltreatment of children. Also takes reports re- garding sex trafficking of a child. The Women's Community (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24-hour support line) (888) 665-1234 (Toll-free) www.womenscommunity.org Provides individual supportive advocacy, support groups, legal advocacy, criminal justice sup- port, assistance in restraining orders, assistance with finding safe and affordable housing, bilingual services, and emergen- cy shelter for victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, stalking, and human trafficking, and their children. Serves all gen ders and ages. ADDICTIONS Al-Anon/Alateen (888) 425-2666 http://area61afg.org/ Group meetings help families and friends of alcoholics recov- er from the effects of living with a relative's or friend's problem drinking. Alateen specifically targets youth whose lives have been affected by alcoholism in a family member or close friend. Alcoholics Anonymous (715) 503-0880 AA Hotline www.area74.org Provides group meetings for those struggling with an alcohol addiction. Both open and closed meetings are available.
ATTIC Correctional Services Center (715) 848-3202 Ext. 202 www.correctionalservices.org Department of Correction's AODA and corrective thinking treatment center for those who are incarcerated, on probation, or on parole. Also provides alco- hol and drug outpatient services through ACS Clinical Services. Celebrate Recovery https://locator.crgroups.info Provides a Christian-based 12 step program to help individu- als overcome drug and alcohol addiction, through several local churches. Crisis Intervention (715) 845-4326 (800) 799-0122 Toll Free www.norcen.org/services/cri- sis-services/ Provides crisis intervention ser- vices 24 hours/day, 7 days/week to those with substance abuse issues. Courage to Change Recovery (715) 223-0480 Offers adult, adolescent and family AODA treatment, in Ab- botsford. Gamblers Anonymous (715) 297-5317 www.gamblersanonymous.org/ ga Meets to provide self-help and support for individuals looking to overcome gambling.
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