Get Help Guide 2025 FINAL_web

CHILD & YOUTH SERVICES 4-H (715) 261-1230 https://marathon.extension.wisc. edu/4h/ Leadership and educational ac- tivities for youth, through UW-Ex - tension. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northcentral Wisconsin (715) 848-7207 (Wausau) Adult/child mentoring program for children that need a positive adult role model. Mentoring can take place at school or in the community. Boy Scouts of America Samoset Council (715) 355-1450 Provides citizenship and char- acter building activities, physical fitness, and leadership training for youth ages 7-20. Boys & Girls Club of Offers programs in Good Char - acter and Leadership, Healthy Lifestyles, Academic Success, and Workforce Development for grades 3-12. Services offered in Wausau, at the Greenheck Field House, and D. C. Everest Middle School. Wausau Area (715) 845-2582 Crisis Text Crisis Line 741741 – Text Short Code 920-475-4748 Text-based emotional support line available 24/7 for any type of challenge or struggle.

Generation 180 Program (715) 842-5683 Program provides large and small group activity, hang-time, games, and other activities for students in grades 6-12 at High- land Community Church. Girl Scouts of the North- western Great Lakes Organization for girls to develop courage, confidence, and char - acter. Greenheck Turner Community Center (715) 359-6563 Ext. 1 Offers a variety of recreational opportunities for all ages. Spencer Kids Group (715) 659-4969 kids-group/ (888) 747-6945 Provides supervised activities, homework help, and a meal for students in the Spencer area. Wausau and Marathon County Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department (715) 261-1550 about-us/departments/parks-rec- reation-forestry Provides parks, recreational activities, sports programs for youth, and educational programs for all ages.

Woodson YMCA (715) 845-2177 Wausau YMCA (715) 841-1850 Aspirus YMCA (Weston) Offers exercise and aquatic programs that help youth build a healthy spirit, mind and body. Financial assistance and schol- arships are available. CONSUMER PROTECTION Better Business Bureau Serving Wisconsin (800) 273-1002 Processes complaints against, and provides information for, companies and charities nation- wide. Consumer Protection Hotline (800) 422-7128 State consumer protection agency handles consumers’ and businesses’ questions and com- plaints regarding unfair business practices. Do Not Call List/ Wisconsin Do Not Call Registry (888) 382-1222 (National) Note: Wisconsin is now using the federal Do Not Call list. Num- bers registered on the former Wisconsin No Call List have been transferred to the federal list.


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