EMERGENCY SHELTER Good Shepherd Shelter (715) 849-3311 (Catholic Chari- ties) www.cclse.org Overnight for adults age 18 and older who do not have a place to stay. Crisis Stabilization (715) 845-4326 or (800) 799- 0122 www.norcen.org North Central Health Care offers a short-term, non-medical crisis stabilization program that provides one-on-one support 24 hours/day. A youth crisis program is available for adoles- cents. The Salvation Army Transitional Living Center (715) 845-6583 www.sawausau.org Community shelter and support for local homeless families. Of- fers case management, employ- ment assistance, and computer training. Women's Community Safe Shelter (715) 842-5663 (Office) (715) 842-7323 (24-hour support line) www.womenscommunity.org Emergency shelter for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, human trafficking, stalking, and their children. Support groups, advocacy, and other specialized services provided. Serves all genders and ages.
EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING Career Connection Area
Job Corps Admissions and Placement (800) 733-5627 http://milwaukee.jobcorps.gov Offers vocational training and guidance, and job placement assistance, for qualifying 16 to 24-year-olds. Labor Standards Bureau, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (608) 266-6860 (Madison) https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/ Administers Wisconsin rules on minimum wage, overtime pay, breaks, and minor employment. NCCAP AmeriCorps Team Greater Wausau Area (715) 849-5212 www.northcentralcap.org Participants work for a year in local agencies and schools to address human service needs. North Central Health Care Vocational Services Community Services (715) 848-4519 www.norcen.org Helps people with mental, cognitive, learning, and physical disabilities enter the labor force, and provides follow-up. Senior Training & www.curativeconnections.org A "stepping stone" program to help income-eligible seniors age 55 and older gain employment. Unemployment Insurance (414) 435-7069 (Claim Special- ist) https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/ui/ Provides payments, based on work, to eligible workers who are temporarily unemployed. Employment (920) 593-3557
(715) 261-7230 https://mcpl.us/
Offers resources for job seekers which include dedicated job com- puters, job/career books and A/V items for check-out, free comput- er classes, and reference assis- tance at the Marathon County
Public Library in Wausau. College Prep Center (715) 803-1152 www.ntc.edu
Offers basic education and job seeking skills instruction for adult learners to help them obtain or retain a job, at NTC. FoodShare Employment & Training Program Employment and training pro- gram for FoodShare recipients helps people gain access to employment by increasing skills, overcoming barriers, and receiv- ing supportive services. Job Center of Wisconsin (715) 261-8700 www.JobCenterofWisconsin.com Provides the following employ- ment services: *Job search assistance (715) 203-0834 www.myfset.net *Job skills training *Dislocated Worker *Division of Vocational Rehabili- tation (DVR) *WIOA Youth Employment & Training *WIOA Workforce Innovation & Opportunity *Assist employers recruit quali- fied applicants
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