Get Help Guide 2025 FINAL_web

Wage/Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor (866) 487-9243 Enforces federal minimum wages, overtime and child labor laws. Wisconsin Works Program (W-2) (855) 733-1311 (Forward Service Corp) Offers employment services and training to help eligible residents get and keep employment while earning monthly payments based on program participation. Workers Compensation (608) 266-1340 (Madison) Provides payment of reasonable medical expenses and compen - sation for lost wages resulting from work-related injuries or disabilities. FAMILY CAREGIVER EDUCATION Alzheimer’s Association of Wisconsin (800) 272-3900 (24 Hour Ho- tline) Provides educational and sup- portive resources aimed at meeting the needs of families involved in the care of someone with Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias. Services include advocacy, public aware- ness and understanding, support groups, and a 24-hour hotline for people in need of support related to Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Powerful Tools for Caregivers (888) 486-9545 Educational workshops designed to help family caregivers learn how to reduce feelings of stress, balance lives, make difficult decisions, and communicate effectively, through the Aging & Disability Resource Center. FARMERS MARKETS NOTE: To learn about Farmer’s Markets in Marathon County, call United Way's 211. Dial 211 or (715) 848-2255 or toll-free (800) 922-5590 Email Search online at: www.united- Text 898211 Monday-Friday 8am-4pm Chat with a specialist Mon- day-Friday 8am-12 Noon. FARMERS’ RESOURCES Farmland Preservation Program (715) 261-6000 about-us/departments/conserva- tion-planning-and-zoning Offers incentives to local land - owners and farmers who par- ticipate in programs to preserve farmland, through the Marathon County Conservation, Planning & Zoning Department. Hazardous Waste Program (715) 446-3101 www.marathoncountysolidwaste. org Disposes of agriculture-related chemicals. Call this number to pre-register with the Marathon County Solid Waste Department.

Marathon County Farm Service Agency (FSA) (715) 848-2330 Offers agricultural credit to farm - ers, including emergency loans, farm ownership loans, and farm operating loans. UW-Madison Extension, Marathon County (715) 261-1230 County Agents offer programs in farm and business management, genetics, using sustainable prac- tices, and provide information to help farmers use cover crops to improve production systems and minimize soil loss. Wisconsin Farm Center (800) 942-2474 Provides free financial planning, as well as mediation to resolve farming-related disputes for farmers, through the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture. Wisconsin Farm Center Counseling Voucher Program (800) 942-2474 Makes cost-free, confidential behavioral health counseling available to Wisconsin farm families and farm workers expe - riencing stressful times, through local mental health providers in collaboration with the Wisconsin Farm Center. Wisconsin Housing & Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) (800) 334-6873 Agricultural Financing Programs include loans to help farmers who want to start, expand, or modernize their operations.


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