

implement the 56 recommendations

The team is backed by representatives of


contained in the document.

the counties, the Ontario government, the

The team consists of director Chantale

Prescott-Russell CommunityDevelopment

Ladouceur and coordinator Sylvie Leclair

Corporation and the Eastern Ontario

action plan

who have been hired under a 15-month

Training Board.

contract to work with current and potential

One of the findings of the report was a

partners to make the new vision a reality.

widespread resistance to change and a

You can reach the team at 613-675-4661;

lack of cohesion. The diversity of the


youcanconsult theEconomicDevelopment

counties hindered a collaborative approach

Plan online

to long-term development planning, the

“Convergence” was a prime theme of

A year after the Prescott-Russell

report concluded. Residents have difficulty

the report that was released in February,

economic development plan was

sizing up the “big picture,” the study


completed, a team has set about trying to



Photo Richard Mahoney

Chantale Ladouceur addresses the

Hawkesbury Chamber of Commerce


Injuries drop


The number of Prescott-Russell united

counties employees reporting injuries

dropped by 26 per cent last year.

Some 80 injury reports were submitted

during 2011, according to a report

submitted by human resources department

director Jonathan Roy. Of this number, 35

employees incurred a loss of earnings

following a lesion or an illness, and 45 did

not require health care and registered no

loss of income.

About 72 per cent of work-related

mishaps occur at the Prescott-Russell

Residence, with 31 per cent of the injuries

at theHawkesbury home for the aged being

linked to respiratory outbreaks. Roy noted

that residence employees’ duties include

AVEZ-VOUS UN PLAN POUR RÉDUIRE VOS IMPÔTS? En intégrant à votre Plan financier de Desjardins les portefeuilles Chorus II en catégorie de société*, vous minimiserez l’impact fiscal sur vos placements avec: · le report de l’impôt dans le temps · le transfert d’actifs sans répercussion fiscale immédiate · le paiement de l’impôt principalement sur les gains en capital · la structure fiscale des portefeuilles optimisée Prenez rendez-vous avec un de nos experts pour connaître tous les avantages de ce produit distinctif.

lifting residents using a stretcher or a

mechanical device.

No laughing



Fake texts are no laughing matter.

That is the message from the Ontario

Provincial Police East Region Crime Unit

which is investigating numerous mischief

complaints that have been occurring across

the region. People are receiving a text

message on their personal cell phones

indicating that someone was possibly

murdered. Due to the seriousness

implications of the text, the receiver

rightfully notifies police. To date, all of the

 -Ê*",/  1 -Ê ",1-Ê II `iÍ>À`ˆ˜Ã°Vœ“ÉV…œÀÕÃ

messages have been confirmed as a hoax.

These false texts must be followed up by

police to make a factual determination into

their authentication and ties up many

*Les Fonds Desjardins sont offerts par Desjardins Cabinet de services financiers inc., un courtier en épargne collective appartenant au Mouvement Desjardins. Les Fonds Desjardins ne sont pas garantis, leur valeur fluctue fréquemment et leur rendement passé n’est pas indicatif de leur rendement futur. Un placement dans un organisme de placement collectif peut donner lieu à des frais de courtage, des commissions de suivi, des frais de gestion et d’autres frais. Veuillez lire le prospectus simplifié avant d’investir. Le montant de distribution n’est pas garanti, toutefois il serait modifié uniquement si les conditions de marché à long terme l’exigeaient.

officers for many hours in determining the

source of the text.

TheO.P.P. warns everyone thatmaking/

initiatinga false text suchas this is a criminal

offence and the creator of the text may be

charged with mischief.

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