Area can become the North European center of green and sustainable energy production for the transportation sector, households, and industry“, says Søren Schmidt Thomsen. “Large-scale power production from sustainable sources, mainly wind and solar, will be refined locally through electrol- ysis to be stored as green fuels, like green hydrogen, e-metha- nol, green aviation fuels, or even green fertilizers for the farm- ing industry. Still, potential obstacles need to be addressed”, Søren Schmidt Thomsen explains.“Several PtX-reliant products are dependent on a carbon source that reacts with hydrogen, which highlights the necessary discussion of carbon capture and use from different sustainable sources like agriculture and forestry to avoid a shortage in the future as fuel production volumes increases. In the long term, maybe also by extract- ing CO2 from the atmosphere called Direct Air Capture“, says Søren Schmidt Thomsen. The potential for sustainable change is enormous and plausi- ble in pursuing a truly carbon neutral society, as the partner- ship envisions. “Existing pipelines and new infrastructures need to be de- veloped for storage, distribution, and utilization, which also means that the potential of new local job opportunities is an added value. The list is long with meaningful purposes by ad- vancing PtX-technologies", says Søren Schmidt Thomsen. TVIS is a district heating collaboration across four munic- ipalities, district heating companies, and local industries, and for nearly 40 years they have ensured stable distribu- tion of district heating by use of local energy resources as efficiently and environmentally conscientious as pos- sible. TVIS owns and operate the main artery of district heating transmission in the Triangle Area, and ensures affordable, sustainable, and stable heating by thorough planning, heat market analysis, efficiency improve- ments, and investments in green technologies. TVIS has engaged in close and equally advantageous collabo- rations with local energy companies, and future use of surplus heat from power to x-technologies improves economic advantages for both energy consumers and producers.
Effect of revenue from district heating on the operation of an electrolysis plant
Revenue from district heating Original hydrogen revenue Extra hydrogen revenue
Distribution of revenue for 20MW E electrolysis plant with a district heating connection. Source: POWER-TO-X AND DISTRICT HEATING, report by COWI, Grøn Energi, Dansk Fjernvarme & TVIS, 2021
Heat from Hydrogen Production – a collaboration called HySynergy (Source: Everfuel)
The hydrogen production facility comprises eight electrolysis units, reaching temperatures of 80 de- grees Celsius. When the hydrogen plant is in produc- tion in the fall of 2022, it will produce 0,6 MW of heat in year one, increasing to 3 MW in 10 years as elec- trolysis cells decrease efficiency over time and excess more and more heat. Heat corresponds to 5-600 houses demand A heat pump is a cooling machine for all the “out- side equipment.” It helps to ensure the “balance of the plant.” The heat pump delivers down to 25 degrees cold cooling water to the two main com- pressors, the four rectifiers, the two deoxo units, the oxygen cooler, and the scrubber. The project part- ner AEA purchased the heat pump system, which is also part of the HySynergy collaboration. The heat pump cooling is critical to factory operations. In the heat pump, the energy from the heated cool- ing water is used to heat TVIS district heating return water from 40 degrees to 80 degrees. It thus con- tributes 4.5 MW of heating power distributed over three compressor units. Heat corresponds to approx- imately 1300 standard house consumption
1-ton green hydrogen will reduce 10 tons of CO 2 emissions at the Refinery compared to fossil-based hydrogen Surplus heat and cooling – Hydrogen production. analyser/210512-power-to-x-og-fjernvarme
For further information please contact: Søren Schmidt Thomsen:
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